Configuring HCL Compass Web
Configure HCL Compass Web
server by performing the tasks described in this section.
Note: See the Compass Web Server version 2.0.0/2.0.1 technote about how to
collect the logs related to Compass web server.
Default profile names, locations, port numbers, server names, and URLs As you configure HCL Compass Web server, refer to the default values for IBM® WebSphere® Application Server, IBM® HTTP Server, and HCL Compass Web server.Configuring administrative security WebSphere® Application Server security settings that you configure for HCL Compass Web are disabled until you enable WebSphere® administrative security. Configuring secure connections You can configure secure connections between a HCL Compass Web server and a HCL Compass Web client by using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) in IBM® HTTP Server (IHS) for WebSphere® Application Server.Configuring proxy servers Configure a reverse proxy server for HCL Compass Web server to improve performance and security.Configuring port settings Use the WebSphere® Application Server updatePorts.ant script to configure port settings for HCL Compass Web server.Windows Configuring the HCL Compass Web server service account Modify the Log on as
account for a WebSphere® Application Server profile where HCL Compass Web server is deployed. Configuring the HCL Compass Web properties files Configure the HCL Compass Web properties file and the HCL Compass OSLC API properties file to customize various features.Backing up, modifying, and restoring the MBean configuration Learn how to back up, customize, and restore the HCL Compass Web server MBean configuration. Configuring load balancing Use load balancing for distributing service requests from HCL Compass Web clients across multiple WebSphere® Application Server instances that are running HCL Compass Web server.
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