This glossary includes terms and definitions for HCL Compass.
The following cross-references are used in this glossary:
- See refers you from a term to a preferred synonym, or from an acronym or abbreviation to the defined full form.
- See also refers you to a related or contrasting term.
- artifact
- An entity that is used or produced by a software development process. Examples of artifacts are models, source files, scripts, and binary executable files.
- asset registry
- A set of file locations that can be referenced from a test plan hierarchy.
- change request (CR)
- A request from a stakeholder to change an artifact or process. See also defect, enhancement request.
- configured test case
- A test case that is used to run a test script for a specific test configuration.
- CR
- See change request.
- database set
- One or more user databases and the schema repository that stores the schema they all use.
- defect
- A type of change request that identifies an anomaly or flaw in a work product. See also change request.
- enhancement request
- A change request for a new feature or functionality. See also change request.
- environment
- A specific instance of a configuration of hardware and software.
- field
- ***enter text here***
- hooks
- ***enter text here***
- installation
- The process of adding a hardware or software component to a computing environment.
- iteration
- A milestone in the software development process for which the development team delivers a working version of the project for testing.
- platform
- The combination of an operating system and hardware that makes up the operating environment in which a program runs.
- Any base of software technologies on which applications or services can be provided; for example, the Eclipse platform.
- query
- A request for information from a database that is based on specific conditions: for example, a request for a list of all customers in a customer table whose balances are greater than USD1000.
- record type
- ***enter text here***
- schema repository
- A repository that stores schemas and versions of schemas for user databases.
- state transition model
- The sequence of states that a change request goes through from submission through disposition. This model specifies the actions that a user can take to move a change request from one state to another.
- See system under test.
- system under test (SUT)
- A system, subsystem, or component that is being tested.
- test asset
- The information that is used to create, run, and evaluate tests. Test assets include plans, designs, test cases, test logs, and test reports.
- test case
- The inputs, execution conditions, and expected results that are used to evaluate an aspect of a system under test.
- test configuration
- A set of characteristics of the system that hosts the system under test. These characteristics affect the conditions for test execution and the evaluation of test results.
- test plan
- A set of test cases that defines an area of testing.
- test suite
- A collection of test cases that define test behavior and control test execution and deployment.
- user database
- A database that records and stores information about change requests.
- verdict
- The assessment of the performance of a system under test.