HCL Commerce Version or later

Search profile properties

Search profiles are defined in .json format. You can configure the properties to customize the search behavior, using a set of defined providers, and pre- and post-processors.

Search profile structure

Each profile document is in .json format and has the following structure. (This example shows the Elasticsearch Highlighting feature; for more information about this feature, see Highlighting in the Elasticsearch Guide.)
	"indexName": "string",
	"parentProfileName": "string",
	"profileName": "string",
	"query": {
		"highlight": {
			"fields": [
			"simplePre": "<strong><span class=font2>",
			"simplePost": "</span></strong>"
		"params": [
				"paramName": "value"
		"postprocessor": [
		"preprocessor": [
		"provider": [
		"queryFields": [
		"responseFields": [
		"sortFields": {
			"key": "value"
		"spellcheck": {
			"limit": "5"
		"group" : {
			"enable" : "false",
			"sort" : "score desc",
			"field" : "relationship.product.group"
		"hero" : {
			"overrideFieldName" : "url.thumbnail",
			"showGroupPriceRange" : "false",
			"field" : {
				"7741124012283334335" : "Hero"

Profile properties

The following table summarizes the configurable properties of the profiles.

Search Profile Property Subproperty Description
indexName This field contains the name of the Elasticsearch index for which the profile will be building and executing elastic-queries. It is a mandatory field. For example : auth.price or live.inventory.
parentProfileName This property is used to inherit an existing profile. It is a non-mandatory parameter.
profileName Name of a file containing configurable performance attributes, and one or multiple load item definitions.
query maxRows Restricts the maximum number of search results per page. The default value is 50.
maxTimeAllowed Restricts the maximum amount of time allowed (in milliseconds) for any query to run. If the query takes more time than specified, a timeout occurs and partial (or no) results might be returned. If the value is null, the parameter is removed from the request. The default value is 15000.
highlight Declares a list of search index fields to be used for highlighting and their associated highlighting behavior at run time.
queryFields This property defines the search scope (for example, Elasticsearch search fields only) for the Elasticsearch query that is being formed.
sortFields Used to define sorting options for Elasticsearch queries. The key for each field is the index_field_name and these keys can be sent directly from the storefront to be used in defining the sort.
preprocessor See Preprocessors.
postprocessor See Postprocessors.
providers See Available providers.
responseFields same as solr
spellcheck Defines the spell checking behavior at run time.
It contains the following parameter:
Indicates the maximum number of suggestions to return. The default value is 5.
group Defines the search result grouping behavior at run time.
Specifies whether search result grouping is enabled. The default value is false.

You can add more grouping parameters by using the same group.parameter_name convention. For more information about grouping parameters, see the Apache 5.5 Reference Guide.

Specifies the maximum number of search results per group. The default value is 100.
The field name to group by. This value must be defined as the last entry of the group configuration.
hero Defines representative grouping product behavior at run time. This property applies when search result grouping is enabled.
A comma-separated list of field names. When specified, some properties of the most relevant item in the group override the returned productBean properties. For example, thumbnail or name. The default value is thumbnail.
When set to true, the returned productBean price displays a price range based on the underlying SKUs that generated the search hits. The default value is false.
Fetches missing group owners from the index. It is run in a batch for all groups for the current page size. The default value is true.

Available providers

Providers Description
SearchBasedMerchandisingExpressionProvider Calls the marketing component to run search rules. Search rules can apply to all searches or target-specific search keywords. They might add more constraints to the search request to influence the order of the results. They can also add new conditions to the search query with the intention of adding new products to search results.
SearchByCategoryExpressionProvider Handles the search by category, and considers the sales catalog in the current business context.
SearchByManufacturerExpressionProvider Handles the search by brand name requests. The resulting expression is added back into the SelectionCriteria object (_wcf.search.internal.meta) and to be encoded into the meta string later.
SearchByPriceExpressionProvider Handles the search by price range request that is generated from the Advanced Search page. The resulting expression is added back into the SelectionCriteria object (_wcf.search.internal.meta) and to be encoded into the meta string later.
SearchByFacetExpressionProvider Handles the search by facet request. This provider helps convert an XPath expression into a Elasticsearch expression. The resulting expression is added back into the SelectionCriteria object (_wcf.search.internal.meta) and to be encoded into the meta string later.
SearchByStorePathExpressionProvider, SearchByStorePathAssetStoreExpressionProvider Generates conditions to handle the store path. The resulting expression is added back into the SelectionCriteria object (_wcf.search.internal.filterquery) for other downstream processing.
SearchByPublishedEntryOnlyExpressionProvider Restricts search results to published entries. The resulting expression is added back into the SelectionCriteria object (_wcf.search.internal.filterquery) for other downstream processing.
SearchByCustomExpressionProvider Handles the search by custom expression that is stored in _wcf.search.expr. This custom expression is added to the SelectionCriteria object (_wcf.search.internal.optional.query) for other downstream processing.
SearchTypeExpressionProvider This search expression provider handles the match type for keyword search requests. The following pseudo logic describes how the match type (_wcf.search.type) can be converted into a search criteria:
  1. Match type defaults to ANY, exclude SKU.
  2. Exclude SKU expression is represented as -catenttype_id_ntk_cs:ItemBean.
  3. Only SKU expression is represented as - +catenttype_id_ntk_cs:ItemBean.
  4. Include SKU expression does not need to be qualified.
The resulting expression is added back into the SelectionCriteria object (_wcf.search.internal.filterquery) for other downstream processing.
SearchProductSequencingExpressionProvider Orders product entries in the search result by ranking.
SearchCategorySequencingExpressionProvider Sorts categories by ranking.
SearchTermAssociationExpressionProvider Handles the search term association (STA) expansion. This provider helps get synonyms and replace the search term to fetch the final result. The synonyms fetched by the STA service is added back into the SelectionCriteria object for other downstream processing: _wcf.search.internal.synonyms.
SearchProductEntitlementExpressionProvider Performs product entitlement. It is run by calling ProductEntitlementExpressionHelper to build search engine-specific query expressions for contracts that contain CatalogFilter Term Conditions and ProductSet Term Conditions. If a contract list is passed in, ProductEntitlementExpressionHelper builds the search expression against those contracts, instead of fetching contract from context. Otherwise, if no contracts are passed as parameters, this helper class fetches the current eligible contracts and builds search expressions against them. The resulting expression is added back into the SelectionCriteria object (_wcf.search.internal.filterquery) for other downstream processing.
SearchCategoryEntitlementExpressionProvider Performs catalog group-level entitlement by triggering a search on the Catalog Entry core. Next, it parses the facet count returned from the catalog entry core, and constructing an internal filter query on the catalog group core. The resulting expression is added back into the SelectionCriteria object (_wcf.search.internal.filterquery) for other downstream processing.
SearchByKeywordRelevancyExpressionProvider Handles the search by keyword request.
SearchInventoryExpressionProvider Handles searches for the inventory search index.
SearchByCatalogExpressionProvider This provider for handling the catalog context. The resulting ES expression is added back into the searchCriteria object for other downstream processing using the (_wcf.search.internal.filterquery) control parameter.
SearchByLanguageExpressionProvider Handles search based on language. The resulting ES expression is added back into the SelectionCriteria object (_wcf.search.internal.filterquery) for other downstream processing.
SearchByRankingQueryProvider This provider used for handling ranking based search. The resulting ES expression will be added back into the searchCriteria object for other downstream processing using the (_wcf.search.internal.filterquery) and (_wcf.search.rule.add) control parameter.
SearchBySellerExpressionProvider This provider for handling the search by seller name request. The resulting expression will be added back into the searchCriteria object for other downstream processing using the(_wcf.search.internal.meta) control parameter
SearchChildCategoryExpressionProvider This is the implementation of the search expression provider for handling thesearch by parent category request. The resulting ES expression will be added back into the searchCriteria object for other downstream processing using the (_wcf.search.internal.filterquery) control parameter
SearchMultiwordFilterProviderHelper Convert mutliword space with NNNN and add resulting searchterm back to the (_wcf.search.term) for furthure processing.
SearchNavigationExpressionProvider This provider calls the marketing RESTful service to run category browse rules. Note, that navigation rules can only be used with the following targets and actions: - 'Current Page' target ("Customer is viewing a category" behaviour only) - 'Customer Segment' target (for explicit customer segments only) - 'Change Search Result Order' action All other targets and actions are not supported.
SearchWorkspaceExpressionProvider Handles the search by workspace .The resulting ES expression is added back into the SelectionCriteria object (_wcf.search.internal.filterquery) for other downstream processing.


Table 1.
Preprocessor Description
SearchRelevancyByProductGroupingQueryPreprocessor When hero search grouping or browsing is enabled , this preprocessor includes aggregation and collapse in elastic search query builder.


Table 2. Postprocessor descriptions
Postprocessor Description
SearchCatalogEntryViewAttachmentsQueryPostprocessor Reformat the response into a structured object. It populates the Attachments list into the catalogEntryView part of the response. The mapping configuration is defined in wc-component.json file under the XPathToAttachmentsBODResponseFieldNameMapping section. This postprocessor does a sub-search query to retrieve the catalog entry associated assets. It uses the IBM_findCatalogEntryAssociatedAssets search profile.
SearchCatalogEntryViewAttributesQueryPostprocessor Reformat the response into a structured object. It populates the Attributes list, and Attributes values list into the catalogEntryView part of the response. The mapping configuration is defined in wc-component.json file under the XPathToAttributesBODResponseFieldNameMapping and XPathToAttributesValuesBODResponseFieldNameMapping sections.
SearchCatalogEntryViewComponentsQueryPostprocessor Reformat the response into a structured object. It populates the Components list into the catalogEntryView part of the response. The mapping configuration is defined in wc-component.json file under the XPathToComponentsBODResponseFieldNameMapping section. This postprocessor, does a sub search query to retrieve the catalog entry associated components. It uses the IBM_findCatalogEntryComponentssearch profile.
SearchCatalogEntryViewMerchandisingAssocQueryPostprocessor Reformat the response into a structured object. It populates the merchandisingAssociationslist into the catalogEntryView part of the response. The mapping configuration is defined in wc-component.json file under the XPathToMerchandisingAssociationsBODResponseFieldNameMapping section. This post processor issues a database query to retrieve catalog entry associated merchandising identifiers, then does a sub search query to retrieve the actual associated merchandising details. It uses the IBM_findCatalogEntryAssociatedMerchandising search profile and the IBM_GET_MERCHANDISING_ASSOCIATIONS_BY_CATALOG_ENTRY_ID query template that is defined in the wc-query-utilities.tpl file.
SearchBrandSuggestionQueryPostprocessor A search query postprocessor for handling brand suggestion.
SearchCategorySuggestionQueryPostprocessor A search query postprocessor for handling category suggestion.
SearchFacetQueryPostprocessor Attach facet-related response to data.
SearchChildCategoryEntitlementQueryPostprocessor Remove unentitled child catgroupId from the DocumentList in the response.
SearchCategoryEntitlementQueryPostprocessor Remove the specified category document from the DocumentList in the response.
SearchBreadCrumbTrailQueryPostprocessor Generate the breadcrumb trail.
SearchEntitlementQueryPostprocessor Put catgroup_id_search facet information into the SearchResponse.
SearchSpellCheckSuggestionQueryPostprocessor Reformat the spell correction feedback into a more readable list of keywords.
SearchCatalogGroupViewUserDataQueryPostprocessor Add custom index fields to the search response for category view resource.
SearchRelevancyByProductGroupingPostprocessor A search query postprocessor for handling result grouping configurations.
SearchBrowseRelevancyByProductGroupingPostprocessor Selects one Elasticsearch document from each group and makes a second call to find the group owner product and creates search hits to be consumed by other postprocessors. Then, the result is returned in the final REST response.
SearchCatalogEntrySuggestionQueryPostprocessor Reformat the ES response into a structured object from catalogEntryView and populates suggestionView part of the response. The mapping configuration is defined in wc-component.json file under the XPathToCategoryViewBODResponseFieldNameMapping section.
SearchCatalogEntryViewImagesQueryPostProcessor A search query postprocessor for handling for all image related fields.
SearchCatalogEntryViewPriceQueryPostprocessor Reformat the response into a structured object. It populates the price list into the catalogEntryView part of the response. The mapping configuration is defined in wc-component.json file under the XPathToPriceBODResponseFieldNameMapping section.
SearchCatalogEntryViewUserDataQueryPostprocessor A search query post-processor for adding custom fields into the response.
SearchCatalogEntryViewUserDataQueryPostprocessor A search query post-processor for adding custom fields into the response.
SearchRankingQueryPostProcessor Resequence the ES response based on the ranking details and also includes it in response metadata field "rankings."
SearchKeywordSuggestionQueryPostprocessor A search query post-processor for handling keyword suggestions.
SearchSellerSuggestionQueryPostprocessor A search query post-processor for handling seller suggestions.
SearchV2ContentPageQueryPostProcessor A search query post-processor to add layout section for content pages in the URL service response.



A search query post-processor restructure v2 URL API response.
SearchV2UrlUserDataQueryPostProcessor A search query post-processor for adding custom fields into the response.