Search index

The HCL Commerce Search index is built from temporary tables that read from a search index schema, and build structured and unstructured site content.

Search index types and subtypes

HCL Commerce Search contains the following search index types to suit your business and search requirements:
Catalog entry index
A search index for catalog entries in both master and sales catalog.
The catalog entry search index contains the following content:
Structured content
Structured content includes items in the product catalog and delivers search results based on items that are sold in your store.
Unstructured content
Unstructured site content includes documents that do not adhere to a specific data model, such as product attachments contained in various formats. For example, content such as user manuals and warranty information are considered unstructured content. Its elements, construction, and organization are typically unknown and can vary depending on its file type.
Site content
Site content includes HTML and other site files from HCL Commerce starter stores. It is fetched and crawled by the site content crawler.
Catalog group index
A search index for categories in both master and sales catalog.
HCL Commerce Search contains the following search index subtypes, which keeps data in a separate core for performance reasons:
The inventory index, a separate index that contains index data, is an extension of the product index. For accurate inventory status, you can refresh the inventory index more frequently than the product index.
Sets up a subindex for price data. Prices are indexed using Index Load, as it can populate a large amount of data into a separate extension index faster than the Catalog Entry index can index price data. For more information, see Index Load.