Completing the IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 Feature Pack 8 live database migration

After you successfully migrate your live IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 database to HCL Commerce Version 9, there are final database tasks to complete before you can switch your traffic over to the HCL Commerce Version 9 environment.


  1. Update your SITE table by running the following two commands.
    • delete from site where COMPNAME not IN ('BASE');
    • update SITE set VERSION = 9, MOD=0, FIXPACK=0 where COMPNAME IN ('BASE');
  2. Update your SRCHCONF to contain the new HCL Commerce Version 9 preprocess directory by running the following command:
    update SRCHCONF set CONFIG = replace(CONFIG, 'old_PreProcessdir', 'new_PreProcessdir');
    The preprocess directory of the IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 search server.
    The preprocess directory of the HCL Commerce Version 9 search server.
    For example,
    update SRCHCONF set CONFIG = replace(CONFIG,'WC_eardir/instances/demo/search/pre-processConfig/MC_10001/DB2','/v3/db2/CatalogEntry') WHERE indextype='CatalogEntry';
    update SRCHCONF set CONFIG = replace(CONFIG,'WC_eardir/instances/demo/search/pre-processConfig/MC_10001/DB2/CatalogGroup','/v3/db2/CatalogGroup') WHERE indextype='CatalogGroup';
  3. Update your SRCHCONF tables to contain the new search web server host name by running the following command:
    update SRCHCONF set CONFIG = replace(CONFIG, 'old_hostname', 'new_hostname');
    The fully qualified host name of the IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 search web server.
    The fully qualified host name of the HCL Commerce Version 9 search web server.
  4. If you customized any searchable attributes in IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 and plan to use them in HCL Commerce Version 9, you must update KEYS table for the SRCHATTR table.
    1. Connect to your database.
    2. Run the following SQL command:
      update keys set counter = case when (select max(srchattr_id) from srchattr) > 
      counter then (select max(srchattr_id) from srchattr) else counter end where tablename = 'srchattr';
    3. Restart the HCL Commerce Version 9 server.
  5. Update to NIST SP 800-131A security standards.
    1. Copy the following runtime keys configuration files from your IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 environment to your HCL Commerce Version 9 Transaction server Docker container.
      • WC_eardir/xml/config/BusinessAuditDataCapture.xml
      • WC_eardir/xml/config/FTP.xml
    2. If you used the Key Locator Framework (KLF) in IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7, migrate your key provider customizations. For more information about the KLF, see Key Locator Framework (KLF).
    3. Copy all custom runtime keys files from your IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 environment to your HCL Commerce Version 9 Transaction server Docker container.
      1. Open your IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 WC_eardir/xml/config/wc-server.xml file, and look for the KeysConfigFile parameter. The KeysConfigFile parameter points to a separate custom key configuration XML.
      2. Open the custom key XML file define in WC_eardir/xml/config/wc-server.xml.
      3. The custom files that are referenced in this custom keys XML file must be copied to the same directories on your HCL Commerce Version 9 developer environment. In general, these custom key files are:
        • CustomKeys.xml
        • merchantKey.xml
        • KeyEncryptionKey.xml
    4. Package your AES-related configuration files and redeploy these configuration files into your Transaction server with CI/CD pipeline.
    5. Validate that the migrated user can log in to your HCL Commerce Version 9 tools.
  6. When you set up your HCL Commerce Version 9 environment, you specified an spiuser user password. Now that your database is migrated from a previous version, your spiuser user password might be inconsistent.
    1. Set the spiuser password in your Docker images.
    2. Update the account policy for the spiuser user.
      Run the following SQL.
      UPDATE USERREG SET PLCYACCT_ID = NULL WHERE logonid = 'spiuser';
  7. Run the updatedb command from your utility docker.

What to do next

  1. Validate your migration by completing a browse and checkout flow on your HCL Commerce Version 9 storefront.
  2. You can now switch traffic from your IBM Websphere Commerce Version 7 environment to your HCL Commerce Version 9 environment.