Adding a currency to HCL Commerce
HCL Commerce comes populated with many currencies. If the currency that your store must support is not provided by default, you can add a currency to HCL Commerce.
About this task
The list of currencies that are supported by default can be found in the following file: WCDE_installdir\schema\xml\wcs.bootstrap_multi_en_US_base.xml
To add a currency that is not supported by default to HCL Commerce as a site supported currency:
Add your national currency as a site-supported currency:
insert into setcurr (setccurr, setccode, setcexp) values (<Alphabetic currency code as per ISO 4217>, <Numeric currency code as per ISO 4217>, <The exponential value by which a subunit of the currency (such as cents) is multiplied to get the main currency unit>)
For example,insert into setcurr (setccurr, setccode, setcexp) values ('THB', 818, -2)
Add a description to your national currency at the site level for your
You can add a description to your national currency in as many languages as your system supports.
insert into setcurrdsc (setccurr, language_id, description) values (<Alphabetic currency code>, <language_id>, <description>)
Add a currency formatting rule.
insert into curformat (storeent_id, setccurr, roundingmultiple, numbrusg_id, roundingmethod, decimalplaces) values (<storeentity> ,<Alphabetic currency code>, <Rounding multiple according to national law or practice. For example, specify 5 to round dollars to the nearest five cent piece. The default value is 1>, <The currency formatting rule which is refer to the table NUMBRUSG.>, <How to round to a multiple of ROUNDINGMULTIPLE: R = round normally - up or down - to the nearest multiple T = truncate - round down for positive amounts, round up for negative amounts>, <The number of decimal places in a rounded or truncated monetary amount>);
For example,insert into curformat (storeent_id, setccurr, roundingmultiple, numbrusg_id, roundingmethod, decimalplaces, minapproveamount) values (-1,'THB',1,-1,'R',0,NULL)
insert into curformat (storeent_id, setccurr, roundingmultiple, numbrusg_id, roundingmethod, decimalplaces, minapproveamount) values (-1,'THB',1,-4,'R',0,NULL)
insert into curformat (storeent_id, setccurr, roundingmultiple, numbrusg_id, roundingmethod, decimalplaces, minapproveamount) values (-1,'THB',1,-5,'R',0,NULL)
Add a currency formatting description.
For more information, see CURFMTDESC.insert into curfmtdesc (storeent_id, setccurr, language_id, currencysymbol, customizedcurrstr, currencyprefixpos, currencysuffixpos, displaylocale, currencyprefixneg, currencysuffixneg, radixpoint, groupingchar, numberpattern, description) values (-1, 'THB', -11, 'B', null, 'B', null, null, 'B-', null, null, null, '#,##0.00', null)
Add a conversion rule between the default currency of the store and the created currency:
insert into curconvert (storeent_id, fromcurr, tocurr, factor, multiplyordivide, bidirectional, updatable, curconvert_id) values(-1,'USD','THB','44.62','M','Y','Y',-12)
For more information, see CURCONVERT.