Stored procedure error codes
The following table describes the error codes that are returned by specific HCL Commerce stored procedures. You should receive these error messages only when a problem with the data requires further investigation by a technical person. If you receive one of these errors (other than error code 0) and you cannot determine the cause of the error, contact HCL Commerce support for assistance.
Error Code | Description | Stored Procedure |
0 | No error has occurred | all |
37 | There is no record on receipt table to update. | GetItems |
39 | Unable to update RECEIPT table. | GetItems |
40 | No data in the TMPRCTLIST table. | GetItems |
42 | Unable to update ALLOCATED or ORDERABLE in TMPRCTLIST table. | GetItems |
43 | Error in inventory allocation - over allocation. | GetItems |
45 | Error in inventory allocation - under allocation. | GetItems |
94 | Unable to retrieve inventory information from RECEIPT table. | AvailInvStore |
97 | Unable to retrieve inventory information from ITEMFFMCTR table. | AvailInvStore |
98 | There are no fulfillment centers in the list. | AvailInvStore |
100 | Error parsing fulfillment center list. | AvailInvStore |
122 | There are no fulfillment centers in the list. | AvailRADate |
123 | Unable to retrieve data from RADETAIL table. | AvailRADate |
125 | Error parsing fulfillment center list. | AvailRADate, BackorderItem |
126 | Error parsing fulfillment center list. | AvailRADate, BackorderItem |
128 | Unable to insert into TMPFFCLIST and error parsing. | AvailRADate, BackorderItem |
153 | Unable to determine available inventory from RECEIPT table. | GetItems, BackorderItem |
159 | Unable to retrieve available inventory from TMPRCTLIST. | GetItems |
156 | Only in GETITEMS | GetItems, BackorderItem |
188 | There is no BASEITEM or ITEMSPC info for the order item | BackorderItem |
190 | Unable to retrieve information about the BASEITEM, ITEMSPC for the order item. | BackorderItem |
191 | The ORDERITEM.INVENTORYSTATUS is invalid. | BackorderItem |
209 | Data missing from TMPRADTL table. | BackorderItem |
211 | Unable to update the TMPRADTL table. | BackorderItem |
212 | Data missing from RADETAIL table. | BackorderItem |
214 | Unable to update RADETAIL table. | BackorderItem |
215 | Data missing from TMPRADTL table. | BackorderItem |
217 | Unable to update the TMPRADTL table. | BackorderItem |
218 | Data missing from RADETAIL table. | BackorderItem |
220 | Unable to update RADETAIL table. | BackorderItem |
221 | Data missing from TMPBOLIST table. | BackorderItem |
223 | Unable to update TMPBOLIST table. | BackorderItem |
224 | Data missing from TMPBOLIST table. | BackorderItem |
226 | Unable to update TMPBOLIST table. | BackorderItem |
227 | Data missing from TMPBOLIST table. | BackorderItem |
229 | Unable to update TMPBOLIST table. | BackorderItem |
230 | Data missing from TMPBOLIST table. | BackorderItem |
232 | Unable to update TMPBOLIST table. | BackorderItem |
233 | Data missing from TMPBOLIST table. | BackorderItem |
235 | Unable to determine expected date. | BackorderItem |
236 | Data missing from TMPBOLIST table. | BackorderItem |
238 | Unable to retrieve status info from TMPBOLIST | BackorderItem |
239 | Data missing from TMPFFCLIST table. | BackorderItem |
241 | Unable to update TMPFFCLIST table. | BackorderItem |
240 | Unable to update TMPFFCLIST table. | BackorderItem |
242 | Data missing from TMPFFCLIST table. | BackorderItem |
244 | Unable to select a fulfillment center. | BackorderItem |
248 | Data missing from RADETAIL table. | BackorderItem |
250 | Unable to update RADETAIL table. | BackorderItem |
254 | No data inserted into RABACKALLO. | BackorderItem |
256 | No data inserted into RABACKALLO. | BackorderItem |
257 | No data inserted into BKORDALLOC. | BackorderItem |
259 | No data inserted into BKORDALLOC. | BackorderItem |
264 | No data to update into ITEMFFMCTR. | BackorderItem |
266 | Unable to update ITEMFFMCTR. | BackorderItem |
270 | There is no date to update into BKORDITEM | BackorderItem |
272 | Unable to insert row into BKORDITEM. | BackorderItem |
276 | There is no data to insert into ITEMFFMCTR | BackorderItem |
277 | Unable to insert row into ITEMFFMCTR. | BackorderItem |
301 | Only in current version. | AvailInvStore, GetItems, BackorderItem |
303 | Only in current version. | AvailInvStore, GetItems, BackorderItem |
331 | No data found in ORDERITEMS row in DELETEBACKORDER procedure. | GetItems, ReverseInventory |
332 | Unable to retrieve ORDERITEMS row in DELETEBACKORDER procedure. | GetItems, ReverseInventory |
335 | Unable to update RADETAIL and ITEMFFMCTR | GetItems, ReverseInventory |
339 | Unable to delete from BKORDALLOC table. | GetItems, BackorderItem, ReverseInventory |
340 | Unable to delete from BKORDITEM table. | GetItems, ReverseInventory |
341 | Unable to delete from BKORDITEM table. | GetItems |
341 | Unable to delete from RABACKALLO table. | ReverseInventory |
424 | The order item has already been allocated. | GetItems |
452 | Unable to retrieve information from the OICOMPLIST table. | GetItems |
453 | No date to insert into TMPCMPLIST. | GetItems |
444 | Unable to insert data into ORDPICKHST table. | GetItems |
547 | Unable to update TMPCMPLIST. | GetItems |
583 | VERSIONSPC_ID not supplied. | AdjustInventory |
584 | STORE_ID not supplied. | AdjustInventory |
585 | FFMCENTER_ID not supplied. | AdjustInventory |
586 | INVADJCODE_ID not supplied. | AdjustInventory |
587 | Quantity to be adjusted was not supplied. | AdjustInventory |
581 | There is no existing inventory for this item. | AdjustInventory |
589 | Data missing from RECEIPT table. | AdjustInventory |
591 | Unable to update RECEIPT table. | AdjustInventory |
595 | No date to update into INVADJUST | AdjustInventory |
597 | Unable to insert data into INVADJUST table. | AdjustInventory |
598 | No date to retrieve from receipt. | AdjustInventory |
600 | Unable to retrieve inventory information from RECEIPT table. | AdjustInventory |
601 | No date to retrieve from ITEMFFMCTR VERSIONSPC | AdjustInventory |
603 | Unable to retrieve inventory information from ITEMFFMCTR table. | AdjustInventory |
604 | Requested amount of adjustment is greater than what is currently available. | AdjustInventory |
606 | Data missing from RECEIPT table. | AdjustInventory |
608 | Unable to update receipt | AdjustInventory |
609 | No date to insert into INVADJUST | AdjustInventory |
611 | Unable to insert data into INVADJUST table. | AdjustInventory |
643 | Unable to delete rows in RABACKALLO table. | RAallocation |
646 | Unable to update RADETAIL table. | RAallocation |
647 | Data missing from the STORE table. | RAallocation |
649 | Unable to determine backorder offsets for this store. | RAallocation |
658 | Unable to update RADETAIL table. | RAallocation |
661 | Unable to insert rows into RABACKALLO table. | RAallocation |
664 | Unable to update BKORDITEM table. | RAallocation |
665 | Unable to update ORDERITEMS table. | RAallocation |
743 | No row found in the ORDERITEMS table. | ReverseInventory |
745 | Unknown error while trying to retrieve information from the ORDERITEMS table. | ReverseInventory |
751 | Unable to update the RECEIPT table. | ReverseInventory |
754 | Unable to delete rows from ORDPICKHST table. | ReverseInventory |
757 | Cannot perform this action on an order that has been released to fulfillment. | ReverseInventory |
770 | Inventory cannot be reversed because the ORDERITEM row was not allocated. | ReverseInventory |
771 | Cannot perform this action on an order that has been released to fulfillment. | ReverseInventory |
772 | Cannot perform this action on an order item that has fulfillmentstatus
as CAN |
ReverseInventory |
843 | Unable to insert rows into ORDSHIPHST table. | ShipItems |
852 | Unable to update RECEIPT table. | ShipItems |
858 | Unable to determine next release number. | ShipItems |
865 | No data in the ORDRELEASE table. | ShipItems |
867 | Unable to insert row into the ORDRELEASE table. | ShipItems |
868 | Unable to update ORDERITEMS table. | ShipItems |
870 | Unable to update ORDERITEMS table. | ShipItems |
871 | Unable to update ORDERITEMS table. | ShipItems |
872 | Unable to update ORDERITEMS table. | ShipItems |
880 | No data in the ORDRELEASE table. | ShipItems |
882 | Unable to insert row into the ORDRELEASE table. | ShipItems |
883 | Unable to update ORDERITEMS table. | ShipItems |
885 | Unable to update ORDERITEMS table. | ShipItems |
Description of Stored Procedures
- AdjustInventory
- Makes adjustments to existing inventory. An adjustment is made by either marking down quantities in one or more RECEIPT rows when the adjustment is negative, or adding inventory to an existing RECEIPT row when the adjustment is positive.
- AvailInvStore
- Indicates whether inventory is currently available for an item in the current order. This process does not reserve inventory for the order, nor is this a guarantee that the inventory will still be available when the order item is processed.
- AvailRADate
- Indicates when the next expected inventory record for an item will be available. This is not a guarantee that an actual backorder created for this item will have the same expected ship date.
- BackOrderItem
- Creates a backorder for an item, possibly allocating against expected inventory, and provides an estimated ship date.
- GetItems
- Allocates available inventory to an order item. The order item may have been previously unallocated, or it may be a backorder.
- RAallocation
- Reallocates existing backorders against expected inventory.
- ReverseInventory
- Returns the allocated inventory to the RECEIPT table from a previously allocated order item, or deletes backorder information for a backordered line item.
- Shipitems
- Releases allocated items on an order to fulfillment.