- Catalog
Use the catalog keyword to load master catalog or sales catalog data into your HCL Commerce database.
- CatalogDescription
Use the CatalogDescription keyword to load catalog description data in multiple languages.
- CatalogGroup
Use the CatalogGroup keyword to load categories, and optionally the categories description, the categories calculation code, and the parent and child category relationships.
- CatalogGroupAssociation
Use the CatalogGroupAssociation keyword to load merchandising associations between categories into your WebSphere Commerce database.
- CatalogGroupCalculationCode
Use the CatalogGroupCalculationCode keyword to load category calculation code information into your WebSphere Commerce database.
- CatalogGroupDescription
Use the CatalogGroupDescription keyword to load category descriptions into the HCL Commerce database.
- CatalogGroupRelationship
Use the CatalogGroupRelationship keyword to load parent and child category relationships into your WebSphere Commerce database.
- CatalogEntry
Use the CatalogEntry keyword to load catalog entries (products, SKUs, bundles, and kits) and the catalog entries calculation code.
- CatalogEntryAssociation
Use the CatalogEntryAssociation keyword to load merchandising associations between catalog entries.
- CatalogEntryCalculationCode
Use the CatalogEntryCalculationCode keyword to load catalog entry calculation codes into your WebSphere Commerce database. There are calculation codes for different usages; the provided calculation code usages discount, shipping, sales tax, shipping tax, coupon, surcharge, and shipping adjustment.
- CatalogEntryComponent
Use the CatalogEntryComponent keyword to load the relationship between a bundle or kit and its components (products or SKUs) into your HCL Commerce database.
- CatalogEntryDescription
Use the CatalogEntryDescription keyword to load catalog entry descriptions into your HCL Commerce database.
- CatalogEntryDescriptionOverride
Use the CatalogEntryDescriptionOverride keyword to load catalog entry description overrides for your extended site store.
- CatalogEntryDescriptiveAttributeAndValue
Use the CatalogEntryDescriptiveAttributeAndValue keyword to load classic descriptive attributes and values for a product or SKU into your HCL Commerce database.
- CatalogEntryAttachment
Use the CatalogEntryAttachment keyword and a CatalogEntryAttachment.csv to load catalog entry attachment relationships. With this input file, you can associate attachments, such as images, with catalog entries.
- CatalogEntryExternalContentRel
Use the CatalogEntryExternalContentRel keyword to load the catalog entry and external content relationships into your HCL Commerce database.
- CatalogGroupAttachment
Use the CatalogGroupAttachment keyword and a CatalogGroupAttachment.csv to load category attachment relationships. With this input file, you can associate attachments, such as images, with categories.
- CatalogEntryAsset
Use the CatalogEntryAsset keyword and a CatalogEntryAsset.csv input file to load catalog entry assets. With this input file, you can create and associate attachments, such as images, with catalog entries.
- CatalogGroupAsset
Use the CatalogGroupAsset keyword and a CatalogGroupAsset.csv input file to load category assets. With this input file, you can create and associate attachments, such as images, with categories.
- CatalogGroupExternalContentRel
Use the CatalogGroupExternalContentRel keyword to load the catalog group and external content relationships into your HCL Commerce database.
- CatalogEntryInventory
Use the CatalogEntryInventory keyword to load catalog entry inventory (non-ATP store) into your WebSphere Commerce database.
- Catalog entry ATP inventory
Use the CatalogEntryATPInventory keyword to load catalog entry inventory (ATP store) into your HCL Commerce database.
- CatalogEntryOfferPrice
Use the CatalogEntryOfferPrice keyword to load a catalog entry offer price into your HCL Commerce database.
- CatalogEntryParentCatalogGroupRelationship
Use the CatalogEntryParentCatalogGroupRelationship keyword to load parent-child relationships between categories and catalog entries into your HCL Commerce database.
- CatalogEntryParentProductRelationship
Use the CatalogEntryParentProductRelationship keyword to load product and SKU relationships between catalog entries into your HCL Commerce database.
- ProductDefiningAttributeAndAllowedValue
Use the ProductDefiningAttributeAndAllowedValue keyword to load non-attribute dictionary attributes and allowed values for a product into your HCL Commerce database.
- SKUDefiningAttributeValue
Use the SKUDefiningAttributeValue keyword to load an attribute value for SKUs for non-attribute dictionary attributes into your HCL Commerce database.
- AttributeDictionaryAttributeAllowedValues
Use the AttributeDictionaryAttributeAllowedValues keyword to load attribute dictionary attributes allowed values (in other languages).
- AttributeDictionaryAttributeAndAllowedValues
Use the AttributeDictionaryAttributeAndAllowedValues keyword to load attribute dictionary attributes and predefined (allowed) values.
- AttributeDictionaryAttributeFolderRelationship
Use the AttributeDictionaryAttributeFolderRelationship keyword to load the relationship between attribute dictionary attributes and attribute folders.
- CatalogEntryAttributeDictionaryAttributeRelationship
Use the CatalogEntryAttributeDictionaryAttributeRelationship keyword to load relationships between attribute dictionary attributes and catalog entries into your HCL Commerce database.
- CatalogEntrySEO
Use the CatalogEntrySEO keyword to load search engine optimization URL and page information for specific catalog entries into your HCL Commerce database.
- CatalogGroupSEO
Use the CatalogGroupSEO keyword to load search engine optimization URL and page information for specific categories into your HCL Commerce database.
- SalesTaxCode
Use the SalesTaxCode keyword to load sales tax calculation code information.