Data Load best practices for Member
The following best practices are
recommended when you are using the Data Load utility to load member
Loading address information
By default, the Data Load utility can detect email addresses that have invalid syntax. When the utility encounters an invalid address, the utility stops the load process.
You can disable email address validation by specifying the following
optional configuration property in either your wc-dataload.xml load order
configuration file or your business object configuration file:
<_config:property name="validateEmailAddress" value="false" />
When you run the Data Load utility to replace or delete a user address or an organization address, the utility keeps the old ADDRESS row in the database and logically marks it obsolete by setting the STATUS column to 'T'. To physically delete obsolete addresses from the database, you must run the dbclean utility.
Loading user address information
To optimize data load performance, identify the user in the input file by using the logon ID instead of the distinguished name (DN).By
default, data load does not validate uniqueness of DN. Optionally
you can turn on the unique DN validation by specifying the following
in either the wc-dataload.xml load order configuration
file or the business object configuration file:
<_config:property name="validateUniqueDN" value="true" />