Customer assets
A customer is a user within HCL Commerce. A customer can browse the online catalog, place an order, create an interest list, set up addresses (such as for general contact, billing, and shipping purposes), and purchase from the store or the Seller.
A customer must provide address information and can have an interest item list. A customer must own and provide an address and can have an interest list to shop at a store. The address and interest list depend on the existence of a customer.
- Address information
- A customer must provide three types of address information, when the customer makes a store
purchase: the contact address, billing address, and shipping address. The following list describes
these address types; each address can be unique or the same:
- A contact address is used to notify the customer for various purposes, such as regarding the status or changes to an order, and notices about upcoming store events. The customer's contact address includes the street name and number, city, state or province, ZIP or postal code, country or region, email address, phone number, and fax number. Typically, the contact address is where the customer can be reached most easily, such as a work address.
- A billing address is used to send a bill or invoice for purchases. A billing address includes the street name and number, city, state or province, ZIP or postal code, and country or region, phone number, and email address. The billing address can be the same as the contact or shipping addresses.
- A shipping address is used for delivering purchased goods. A shipping address includes the street name and number, city, state or province, ZIP or postal code, and country or region, phone number, and email address. The shipping address can be the same as the contact or billing addresses.
- Interest lists
- Stores can support interest lists. That is, customers add products, that they can order in the future, to their interest lists. An interest list is not a shopping cart; an interest list can contain items from multiple stores. The list does not contain prices, shipping addresses, shipping modes, inventory availability information, or calculated amounts such as discounts, shipping charges, and taxes.