Class BusinessPolicyCommandImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • BusinessPolicyCommandImpl

        public BusinessPolicyCommandImpl()
        Constructor for BusinessPolicyCommandImpl.
    • Method Detail

      • getPolicyId

        public java.lang.Long getPolicyId()
        Gets the policy id.

        Specified by:
        getPolicyId in interface BusinessPolicyCommand
        business policy ID
      • getRequestProperties

        public TypedProperty getRequestProperties()
        This method is called to retrieve the request properties associated with a command. the default implementation returns the protected parameter requestProperties set by setRequestProperties.

        Specified by:
        getRequestProperties in interface BusinessPolicyCommand
        request Properties
      • setPolicyId

        public void setPolicyId(java.lang.Long newPolicyId)
        Sets the policy Id. This method is called by the command factory to initialize the policy Id associated with this command.

        Specified by:
        setPolicyId in interface BusinessPolicyCommand
        newPolicyId - business policy ID
      • setRequestProperties

        public void setRequestProperties(TypedProperty aRequestProperties)
        Sets the request properties for the Business Policy Command. The default implementation set the protected parameter requestProperties with the input value.

        Specified by:
        setRequestProperties in interface BusinessPolicyCommand
        aRrequestProperties -