Interface CommandContext

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    CommandContextImpl, WCTicklerAsyncCommandContextImpl

    public interface CommandContext
    extends java.lang.Cloneable
    This class defines the command context, which contains session and user information. It is set in the controller command before the execute method is called.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static java.lang.String COPYRIGHT 
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      java.lang.Long becomeUser(java.lang.Long userId)
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      java.lang.String buildRedirectUrl(TypedProperty prop)
      This method has no replacement. A view should be used for redirection.
      void changeStore(java.lang.Integer newValue)
      This method changes the store and store associated information.
      boolean clearStickyUser()
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      java.lang.Object clone()
      This method returns a clone of this command context.
      void establishStickyUser(java.lang.Long nUserId)
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      void generateLogId()
      This method has been replaced by AuditContext.getRequestIdentifier()
      java.lang.Long getActiveOrganizationId()
      This method has been replaced by EntitlementContext.getActiveOrganizationId()
      long getActivityId()
      This method is replaced by AuditContext.getRequestIdentifier()
      ActivityToken getActivityToken()
      This method gets the activity token associated with this request.
      boolean getAsyncCommand()
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      java.lang.Long getCallerId()
      This method gets the original caller id of this request.
      boolean getClearForUser()
      This method has no replacement because it should not be called.
      ECCommand getCommand()
      This method gets the command associated with this command context.
      java.lang.String getCommandName()
      This method gets the name of the command.
      Context getContext(java.lang.String strContextName)
      This method gets the context of the given name.
      java.lang.String getCountry()
      This method has been replaced by CommandContextHelper.getCountry(CommandContext)
      java.lang.String getCurrency()
      This method gets the negotiated currency associated with this request.
      java.lang.String getCurrentCommandName()
      This method gets the interface name of the current command.
      java.lang.String getCurrentTradingAgreementIdsAsString()
      TradingAgreementAccessBean[] getCurrentTradingAgreements()
      This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.getCurrentTradingAgreements(CommandContext)
      java.lang.Integer getDefaultDeviceFormat()
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called. getDeviceFormatAdapter()
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      java.lang.Integer getDeviceFormatId()
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      java.lang.Integer getDeviceFormatTypeId()
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      java.lang.Integer getDeviceType()
      This method has no replacement.
      java.lang.String getDocumentPathName(java.lang.String baseName)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      java.lang.String[] getEligibleTradingAgreementIds()
      This method is replaced by ContractCmdUtil.getEligibleTradingAgreementIds(CommandContext)
      java.lang.String getEligibleTradingAgreementIdsAsString()
      java.lang.String getEncCurContr()
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      java.lang.String getEncElgContr()
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      java.lang.String getEncoding()
      If the CommandContext object is an instance of ViewCommandContext (that is, the request is initiated from the web channel), it should be cast to ViewCommandContext and the getEncoding() method should be used. If it is not, use the default encoding for the languageId associated with the request. It can be retrieved by calling LanguageRegistry.getEncoding(Integer)
      java.lang.String getEncParOrg()
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      java.lang.String getEncParOrgAndCurContr()
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      java.lang.String getEncSesContr()
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      java.lang.String getErrorViewName()
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      java.sql.Timestamp getExpiryDate()
      No replacement.
      java.lang.Integer getForStoreId()
      This method gets the for store ID.
      java.lang.Long getForUserId()
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      java.lang.Integer getInitialPreferredLanguage()
      java.lang.String getLanguage()
      This method gets the 2 character language code associated with this command.
      java.lang.Integer getLanguageId()
      This method gets the negotiated language id associated with this request.
      java.util.Locale getLocale()
      This method returns the locale associated with this request.
      java.util.Locale getLocale(java.lang.Integer languageId)
      This method has been replaced by CommandContextHelper.getLocale(Integer)
      java.lang.String getLocaleVariant()
      This method gets the locale variant associated with this request.
      long getLogId()
      This method has been replaced by AuditContext.getRequestIdentifier()
      StoreAccessBean getNonNullStore()
      This method returns a non-null store access bean object.
      java.lang.Long getOrginalUserId()
      This method has been replaced by getOriginalUserId()
      java.lang.Long getOriginalUserId()
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      java.lang.String getParentOrg()
      This method has been replaced by CommandContextHelper.getParentOrg(CommandContext)
      java.lang.String getPreferredCurrency()
      This method gets the preferred currency associated with this request.
      java.lang.Integer getPreferredLanguage()
      This method gets the preferred language id for this request.
      java.lang.String getRedirectionURL()
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      java.lang.String getRemoteAddr()
      The TransportData object should be retrieved from the AuditContext of the request. The remote address is retrieved by calling TransportData.getRemoteAddress()
      java.lang.String getRemoteHost()
      The TransportData object should be retrieved from the AuditContext of the request. The remote host is retrieved by calling TransportData.getRemoteHost()
      java.lang.Object getRequest()
      If the CommandContext object is an instance of ViewCommandContext (that is, the request is initiated from the web channel), it should be cast to ViewCommandContext and the getRequest() method should be used.
      TypedProperty getRequestProperties()
      This method gets the request properties associated with this request.
      java.lang.String getResolvedQueryString()
      This method has been replaced by
      java.lang.Object getResponse()
      If the CommandContext object is an instance of ViewCommandContext (that is, the request is initiated from the web channel), it should be cast to ViewCommandContext and the getResponse() method should be used.
      boolean getResult()
      Reserved for IBM internal use. getSessionContext()
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called. getSessionData()
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called. Instead of retrieving the attributes from the SessionData object, the equivalent methods should be called from the command context.
      java.lang.String getSessionTradingAgreementIdsAsString()
      java.lang.Long getStickyActiveOrganizationId()
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      java.lang.Long getStickyUserId()
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      StoreAccessBean getStore()
      This method gets the store access bean associated with this request.
      StoreAccessBean getStore(java.lang.Integer storeId)
      This method gets the store access bean associated with this request.
      java.lang.Integer getStoreId()
      This method gets the store id for this request.
      java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp()
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      TradingAgreementAccessBean getTradingAgreement(java.lang.Long id)
      This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.getTradingAgreement(Long)
      TradingAgreementAccessBean getTradingAgreement(java.lang.String id)
      This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.getTradingAgreement(String) getTransactionCache()
      This method gets the cache of custom properties.
      boolean getUncacheable()
      This method has no replacement.
      java.lang.String getUniqueSessionTag()
      This method has been replaced by CommandContextHelper.getUniqueSessionTag(CommandContext)
      UserAccessBean getUser()
      This method gets the user access bean for the user of this request.
      java.lang.Long getUserId()
      This method gets the user id.
      java.lang.String getViewCommand()
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      java.lang.String getWebpath()
      If the CommandContext is an instance of ViewCommandContext (that is, the request is initiated from the web channel), it should be cast to ViewCommandContext and the getWebpath() method should be used.
      void initializeStickyUser()
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      void invalidateTradingAgreement(java.lang.Long id)
      This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.invalidateTradingAgreement(Long, CommandContext)
      void invalidateTradingAgreement(java.lang.String id)
      This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.invalidateTradingAgreement(String, CommandContext)
      boolean isCacheTarget()
      This method has no replacement.
      boolean isResponseNecessary()
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      boolean isSecure()
      This method determines whether this is an HTTPS command.
      boolean isStoreCommand()
      This method has no replacement.
      int nextSequenceNumber()
      This method has been replaced by AuditContext.getNextRequestSequenceNumber()
      void resetStoreRef()
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void resetTradingAgreementInfo()
      This method has been replaced by EntitlementContext.clearTradingAgreements()
      void restoreStore()
      This method restores store and store associated information.
      void restoreUser(java.lang.Long user)
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      void setActiveOrganizationId(java.lang.Long nOrganizationId)
      This method has been replaced by
      void setActivityId(long newValue)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setActivityToken(ActivityToken token)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setAsyncCommand(boolean newValue)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setCacheTarget(boolean newValue)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setCommand(ECCommand command)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setCommandName(java.lang.String value)
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      void setCountry(java.lang.String value)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setCurrency(java.lang.String value)
      This method has been replaced by GlobalizationContext.setCurrency(String)
      void setCurrentCommandName(java.lang.String name)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setCurrentTradingAgreements(TradingAgreementAccessBean[] contracts)
      This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.setCurrentTradingAgreements(TradingAgreementAccessBean[], CommandContext)
      void setDefaultDeviceFormat(java.lang.Integer newValue)
      This method has no replacement.
      void setDeviceFormatAdapter( newValue)
      This method has no replacement.
      void setDeviceFormatId(java.lang.Integer newValue)
      This method has no replacement.
      void setDeviceFormatTypeId(java.lang.Integer newValue)
      This method has no replacement.
      void setDeviceType(java.lang.Integer newValue)
      This method has no replacement.
      void setEligibleTradingAgreementIdsAsString(java.lang.String newValue)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setEncCurContr(java.lang.String newValue)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setEncElgContr(java.lang.String newValue)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setEncoding(java.lang.String encoding)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setEncParOrg(java.lang.String newValue)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setEncSesContr(java.lang.String newValue)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setErrorViewName(java.lang.String value)
      The error view name is now set in the response properties instead.
      void setExpiryDate(java.sql.Timestamp newValue)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setForStoreId(java.lang.Integer val)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setForUserId(java.lang.Long value)
      The "for user id" should be set in the request properties instead.
      void setLanguage(java.lang.String value)
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      void setLanguageId(java.lang.Integer newValue)
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      void setLocale(java.util.Locale newValue)
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      void setLocaleVariant(java.lang.String value)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setPreferredCurrency(java.lang.String value)
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      void setPreferredLanguage(java.lang.Integer value)
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      void setRedirectionURL(java.lang.String value)
      The URL should be set in the response property instead.
      void setRemoteAddr(java.lang.String newRemoteAddr)
      The TransportData object should be retrieved from the AuditContext of the request. The remote address should be set by calling
      void setRemoteHost(java.lang.String newRemoteHost)
      The TransportData object should be retrieved from the AuditContext of the request. The remote host should be set by calling
      void setRequest(java.lang.Object value)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setRequestProperties(TypedProperty prop)
      This method sets the request property object associated with this request.
      void setResponse(java.lang.Object value)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setResponseNecessary(boolean newValue)
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      void setResult(boolean newValue)
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      void setSecure(boolean newValue)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setSessionContext( sessionContext)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setSessionData( sessionData)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called. Instead of setting the attributes to the SessionData object, the equivalent methods from the command context should be called.
      void setSessionTradingAgreementIdsAsString(java.lang.String newValue)
      This method has been replaced by
      void setStickyActiveOrganizationId(java.lang.Long nActiveOrganizationId)
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      void setStickyUserId(java.lang.Long nUserId)
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      void setStore(StoreAccessBean newValue)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setStoreCommand(boolean value)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setStoreId(java.lang.Integer newValue)
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      void setTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp value)
      Reserved for IBM internal use. setTransactionCache( aCustomProperties)
      This method sets the cache of custom properties.
      void setUncacheable(boolean newValue)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setUniqueSessionTag(java.lang.String value)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      void setUserId(java.lang.Long value)
      Reserved for IBM internal use.
      void setViewCommand(java.lang.String value)
      The view name is now set in the response properties instead.
      void setWebpath(java.lang.String webpath)
      This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
      boolean userCanExecuteCommand(AccCommand command)
      This method has been replaced by CommandContextHelper.canUserExecuteCommand(AccCommand)
    • Method Detail

      • becomeUser

        java.lang.Long becomeUser(java.lang.Long userId)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method changes the current user to another user.
        userId - This is the user id.
        This method returns a Long object representing the original user id.
      • getActivityId

        long getActivityId()
        Deprecated. This method is replaced by AuditContext.getRequestIdentifier()
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the activity ID associated with this command which is used by the logging component.
        This method returns the activity id.
      • getUncacheable

        boolean getUncacheable()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method determines whether the page can be cached. It returns true if the page cannot be cached and false otherwise.
        This method returns a boolean value; true if the page cannot be cached and false otherwise.
      • getClearForUser

        boolean getClearForUser()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement because it should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method determines whether the parameter for clearing the "for user id" is set. It returns true if the parameter is set and false otherwise.
        This method returns a boolean value; true if the parameter is set and false otherwise.
      • getCommand

        ECCommand getCommand()
        This method gets the command associated with this command context.
        This method returns an ECCommand object that represents the command.
      • getCommandName

        java.lang.String getCommandName()
        This method gets the name of the command.
        This method returns a java.lang.String object represents the command name.
      • getCurrentCommandName

        java.lang.String getCurrentCommandName()
        This method gets the interface name of the current command. It is possible that the current command name is different from the command name when the current command is invoked by another controller command.
        This method returns a String object that represents the current command interface name.
      • getEligibleTradingAgreementIds

        java.lang.String[] getEligibleTradingAgreementIds()
                                                   throws ECException
        Deprecated. This method is replaced by ContractCmdUtil.getEligibleTradingAgreementIds(CommandContext)
        This method gets the eligible trading agreement IDs as an array.
        This method returns a String array of trading agreement ids.
      • getEligibleTradingAgreementIdsAsString

        java.lang.String getEligibleTradingAgreementIdsAsString()
        Deprecated. This method is replaced by EntitlementContext.getEligibleTradingAgreementIds()
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the eligible trading agreement ids as a string separated by ";".
        This method returns a String of trading agreement ids.
      • getExpiryDate

        java.sql.Timestamp getExpiryDate()
        Deprecated. No replacement.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the expiry date of a cached page.
        This method returns a TimeStamp object.
      • getForUserId

        java.lang.Long getForUserId()
                             throws ECException
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the "for user ID" for this request.
        This method returns a Long object that represents the "for user id".
      • getLanguage

        java.lang.String getLanguage()
        This method gets the 2 character language code associated with this command.
        This method returns a java.lang.String object that represents the language code.
      • getLocale

        java.util.Locale getLocale(java.lang.Integer languageId)
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by CommandContextHelper.getLocale(Integer)
        This method returns the locale associated with a given language.
        languageId - This is an Integer object that represents the language id.
        This method returns a Locale object.
      • getLocaleVariant

        java.lang.String getLocaleVariant()
        This method gets the locale variant associated with this request.
        This method returns a java.lang.String object that represents the locale variant.
      • getLogId

        long getLogId()
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by AuditContext.getRequestIdentifier()
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the log ID.
        This method returns a long value.
      • getNonNullStore

        StoreAccessBean getNonNullStore()
                                 throws ECSystemException
        This method returns a non-null store access bean object. An exception is thrown if the store access bean object associated with this command is null.
        This method returns a non-null StoreAccessBean object.
        ECSystemException - This is thrown if the store access bean object associated with this command is null.
      • getOriginalUserId

        java.lang.Long getOriginalUserId()
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the user ID for the caller of this request.
        This method returns the original user id.
      • getRequestProperties

        TypedProperty getRequestProperties()
        This method gets the request properties associated with this request.
        This method returns the request properties.
      • getResolvedQueryString

        java.lang.String getResolvedQueryString()
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the resolved request properties as a query string.
        This method returns the resolved query string
      • getResult

        boolean getResult()
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method returns true when the command is successful.
        This method returns a boolean value.
      • getStore

        StoreAccessBean getStore()
                          throws ECSystemException
        This method gets the store access bean associated with this request. It returns null if no store is associated with this request.
        This method returns a StoreAccessBean object.
      • getStore

        StoreAccessBean getStore(java.lang.Integer storeId)
                          throws ECSystemException
        This method gets the store access bean associated with this request. It returns null if no store is associated with this request.
        This method returns a StoreAccessBean object.
      • getTimestamp

        java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp()
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the time stamp when the request starts.
        This method returns a Timestamp object.
      • getTradingAgreement

        TradingAgreementAccessBean getTradingAgreement(java.lang.Long id)
                                                throws ECException
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.getTradingAgreement(Long)
        This method gets a trading agreement given an ID.
        id - This is a Long object that represents the trading agreement id.
        This method returns a TradingAgreementAccessBean object.
      • getTradingAgreement

        TradingAgreementAccessBean getTradingAgreement(java.lang.String id)
                                                throws ECException
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.getTradingAgreement(String)
        This method gets a trading agreement given a string ID.
        id - This is a String object that represents a trading agreement id.
        This method returns a TradingAgreementAccessBean object.
      • getUser

        UserAccessBean getUser()
                        throws ECSystemException
        This method gets the user access bean for the user of this request. Returns null if no user is defined.
        This method returns a UserAccessBean object.
      • invalidateTradingAgreement

        void invalidateTradingAgreement(java.lang.Long id)
                                 throws ECException
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.invalidateTradingAgreement(Long, CommandContext)
        This method removes a trading agreement from the cache.
        id - This is a Long object that represents the trading agreement id.
      • invalidateTradingAgreement

        void invalidateTradingAgreement(java.lang.String id)
                                 throws ECException
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.invalidateTradingAgreement(String, CommandContext)
        This method removes a trading agreement from cache given a string ID.
        id - This is a String object that represents a trading agreement id.
      • isCacheTarget

        boolean isCacheTarget()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method returns true if this command is a cache target.
        This method returns a boolean value that represents the cache target.
      • isResponseNecessary

        boolean isResponseNecessary()
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method determines whether a response is necessary for this command.
        This method returns a boolean value; true if response is necessary for this command and false otherwise.
      • isSecure

        boolean isSecure()
        This method determines whether this is an HTTPS command.
        This method returns true if this is an HTTPS command and false otherwise.
      • isStoreCommand

        boolean isStoreCommand()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method returns true if this is a store command. Implies that the store directory will be automatically added to the document path for any forward view command.
        This method returns true if this is a store command and false otherwise.
      • restoreUser

        void restoreUser(java.lang.Long user)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method restores the current user to the original user.
        user - This is a Long object that represents the original user id.
      • userCanExecuteCommand

        boolean userCanExecuteCommand(AccCommand command)
                               throws ECException
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by CommandContextHelper.canUserExecuteCommand(AccCommand)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method determines whether the user can execute a command.
        This method returns a boolean value; true if the user can execute the command and false otherwise.
      • getErrorViewName

        java.lang.String getErrorViewName()
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the error view name.
        This method returns a String object.
      • changeStore

        void changeStore(java.lang.Integer newValue)
        This method changes the store and store associated information.
        newValue - This is an Integer object.
      • restoreStore

        void restoreStore()
        This method restores store and store associated information.
      • getEncParOrgAndCurContr

        java.lang.String getEncParOrgAndCurContr()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the encrypted parent organization and current contract.
        This method returns a java.lang.String object.
      • getEncParOrg

        java.lang.String getEncParOrg()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the encrypted parent organization.
        This method returns a java.lang.String object.
      • getParentOrg

        java.lang.String getParentOrg()
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by CommandContextHelper.getParentOrg(CommandContext)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the parent organization.
        This method returns a java.lang.String object.
      • getForStoreId

        java.lang.Integer getForStoreId()
        This method gets the for store ID.
        This method returns the "for store id".
      • getEncoding

        java.lang.String getEncoding()
        Deprecated. If the CommandContext object is an instance of ViewCommandContext (that is, the request is initiated from the web channel), it should be cast to ViewCommandContext and the getEncoding() method should be used. If it is not, use the default encoding for the languageId associated with the request. It can be retrieved by calling LanguageRegistry.getEncoding(Integer)
        This method gets the character encoding.
        This method returns the character encoding.
      • getTransactionCache getTransactionCache()
        This method gets the cache of custom properties. If the cache does not yet exist, this method creates it. This method requires the use of the following naming conventions when adding an object to this cache to avoid naming collisions:
        • aNameSpace - use the fully qualified class name. For example, "".
        • aName - use a name that is unique within aNameSpace.
        This method returns the custom properties. This method will never return null.
      • nextSequenceNumber

        int nextSequenceNumber()
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by AuditContext.getNextRequestSequenceNumber()
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the next available sequence number used for business auditing.
        This method returns the next sequence number for business auditing.
      • getActivityToken

        ActivityToken getActivityToken()
        This method gets the activity token associated with this request.
        This method returns the activity token. If none is specified, null is returned.
      • getContext

        Context getContext(java.lang.String strContextName)
        This method gets the context of the given name.
        strContextName - This is the name of the context to retrieve.
        This method returns the context.
      • setEncElgContr

        void setEncElgContr(java.lang.String newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the encrypted eligible contracts.
        newValue - This is the eligible contracts
      • setErrorViewName

        void setErrorViewName(java.lang.String value)
        Deprecated. The error view name is now set in the response properties instead.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the error view name.
        value - This is a java.lang.String object that represents the language.
      • setActivityId

        void setActivityId(long newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the activity ID associated with this command which is used by the Logging component.
        newValue - This is a long value that represents the activity id.
      • setAsyncCommand

        void setAsyncCommand(boolean newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the value to indicate whether this is an AsyncCommand.
        newValue - This is a boolean value; true if this is an AsyncCommand and false otherwise.
      • setUncacheable

        void setUncacheable(boolean newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the value to indicate whether a page should be cached or not.
        newValue - This is a boolean value.
      • setCacheTarget

        void setCacheTarget(boolean newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the is cache target value for this command.
        newValue - This is a boolean value.
      • setCommand

        void setCommand(ECCommand command)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the command that this command context is associated with.
        command - This is an ECCommand object.
      • setCommandName

        void setCommandName(java.lang.String value)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the command name.
        value - This is the name of the command.
      • setCountry

        void setCountry(java.lang.String value)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the 2 character country code associated with this command.
        value - This is a String object that represents the language.
      • setCurrentCommandName

        void setCurrentCommandName(java.lang.String name)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the class name of the current command to be executed.
        name - This is the command interface name.
      • setExpiryDate

        void setExpiryDate(java.sql.Timestamp newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the expiry date for a cached page.
        newValue - This is a TimeStamp object.
      • setForUserId

        void setForUserId(java.lang.Long value)
        Deprecated. The "for user id" should be set in the request properties instead.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the forUserId for this request.
        value - This is a Long value that represents the user id.
      • setLanguage

        void setLanguage(java.lang.String value)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the negotiated language for this command.
        value - This is a 2 character String object that represents the language.
      • setPreferredCurrency

        void setPreferredCurrency(java.lang.String value)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the preferred currency for the user for this command.
        value - This is a String object that represents the currency.
      • setRequestProperties

        void setRequestProperties(TypedProperty prop)
        This method sets the request property object associated with this request.
        prop - This is a TypedProperty object.
      • setResponseNecessary

        void setResponseNecessary(boolean newValue)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets to false if response is not required to be composed for the command. True otherwise.
        newValue - This is a boolean value.
      • setResult

        void setResult(boolean newValue)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the result for this command.
        newValue - This is a boolean value.
      • setSecure

        void setSecure(boolean newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the isSecure value for this command.
        newValue - This is a boolean value.
      • setSessionContext

        void setSessionContext( sessionContext)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the session context object associated with this request.
        sessionContext - This is a SessionContext object.
      • setSessionData

        void setSessionData( sessionData)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called. Instead of setting the attributes to the SessionData object, the equivalent methods from the command context should be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the session data object associated with this request.
        sessionData - This is a SessionData object.
      • setStore

        void setStore(StoreAccessBean newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the store associated with this command.
        newValue - This is a StoreAccessBean object.
      • setStoreCommand

        void setStoreCommand(boolean value)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the value for the store command. True if this is a store level command. False otherwise.
        value - This is a boolean value.
      • setStoreId

        void setStoreId(java.lang.Integer newValue)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the store ID associated with this command.
        newValue - This is an Integer object.
      • setTimestamp

        void setTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp value)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the time stamp for the command.
        value - This is a Timestamp object.
      • setUniqueSessionTag

        void setUniqueSessionTag(java.lang.String value)
                          throws ECException
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets a tag that is unique for the session.
        value - This is a String object.
      • setUserId

        void setUserId(java.lang.Long value)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the user ID for this request.
        value - This is a Long object that represents the user id.
      • setViewCommand

        void setViewCommand(java.lang.String value)
        Deprecated. The view name is now set in the response properties instead.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the view name for this command.
        value - This is a String object that represents the view name.
      • clone

        java.lang.Object clone()
        This method returns a clone of this command context.
        This method returns an Object that represents this command context.
      • generateLogId

        void generateLogId()
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by AuditContext.getRequestIdentifier()
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method generates a log ID.
      • getAsyncCommand

        boolean getAsyncCommand()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method returns true if this command is an AsyncCommand.
        This method returns a boolean value that represents an AsyncCommand.
      • getCountry

        java.lang.String getCountry()
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by CommandContextHelper.getCountry(CommandContext)
        This method gets the 2 character country code associated with this command.
        This method returns the 2 character country code.
      • getCurrency

        java.lang.String getCurrency()
                              throws ECSystemException
        This method gets the negotiated currency associated with this request.
        This method returns the currency.
      • getCurrentTradingAgreements

        TradingAgreementAccessBean[] getCurrentTradingAgreements()
                                                          throws ECException
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.getCurrentTradingAgreements(CommandContext)
        This method gets the current set of trading agreements.
        This method returns the trading agreements represented by an array of TradingAgreementAccessBean objects.
      • getLanguageId

        java.lang.Integer getLanguageId()
                                 throws ECSystemException
        This method gets the negotiated language id associated with this request.
        This method returns the negotiated language id represented by an Integer object.
      • getLocale

        java.util.Locale getLocale()
        This method returns the locale associated with this request.
        This method returns a Locale object that represents the locale.
      • getPreferredCurrency

        java.lang.String getPreferredCurrency()
                                       throws ECSystemException
        This method gets the preferred currency associated with this request.
        This method returns a java.lang.String object that represents the preferred currency.
      • getPreferredLanguage

        java.lang.Integer getPreferredLanguage()
                                        throws ECSystemException
        This method gets the preferred language id for this request.
        This method returns an Integer object that represents the preferred language id.
      • getSessionTradingAgreementIdsAsString

        java.lang.String getSessionTradingAgreementIdsAsString()
                                                        throws ECException
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by EntitlementContext.getSessionTradingAgreementIds()
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the session trading agreement IDs as a string separated by ";". For Internal use only.
        This method returns a String object.
      • getStoreId

        java.lang.Integer getStoreId()
        This method gets the store id for this request.
        This method returns an Integer object that represents the store id.
      • getUserId

        java.lang.Long getUserId()
        This method gets the user id.
        This method returns a Long object that represents the user id.
      • resetStoreRef

        void resetStoreRef()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method resets the EJB reference to the store access bean.
      • setCurrency

        void setCurrency(java.lang.String value)
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by GlobalizationContext.setCurrency(String)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the currency to be used for this command.
      • setCurrentTradingAgreements

        void setCurrentTradingAgreements(TradingAgreementAccessBean[] contracts)
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.setCurrentTradingAgreements(TradingAgreementAccessBean[], CommandContext)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the current trading agreements.
        contracts - This is an array of TradingAgreementAccessBean objects that represent the trading agreements.
      • setEligibleTradingAgreementIdsAsString

        void setEligibleTradingAgreementIdsAsString(java.lang.String newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the eligible trading agreement IDs as a string.
        newValue - This is a String object that represents the eligible trading agreement ids.
      • setLanguageId

        void setLanguageId(java.lang.Integer newValue)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the negotiated language ID associated with this command.
        newValue - This is an Integer object.
      • setLocale

        void setLocale(java.util.Locale newValue)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the locale for the command.
        newValue - This is a Locale object that represents the locale / preference locale for the user.
      • setLocaleVariant

        void setLocaleVariant(java.lang.String value)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the locale variant to be used for this request.
        value - This is a String object that represents the language.
      • setPreferredLanguage

        void setPreferredLanguage(java.lang.Integer value)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the preferred language for this request.
        value - This is an Integer object that represents the language id.
      • setSessionTradingAgreementIdsAsString

        void setSessionTradingAgreementIdsAsString(java.lang.String newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the session trading agreement ids.
        newValue - This is a String object that represents the trading agreement ids.
      • getEncElgContr

        java.lang.String getEncElgContr()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the encrypted eligible contracts.
        This method returns a java.lang.String object.
      • getEncCurContr

        java.lang.String getEncCurContr()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the encrypted current contracts.
        This method returns a java.lang.String object.
      • getEncSesContr

        java.lang.String getEncSesContr()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the encrypted session contracts.
        This method returns encrypted session contracts.
      • setEncCurContr

        void setEncCurContr(java.lang.String newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the encrypted current contracts.
        newValue - This is an object that represents the encrypted current contracts.
      • setEncParOrg

        void setEncParOrg(java.lang.String newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the encrypted parent organization.
        newValue - This is the encrypted parent organization.
      • setEncSesContr

        void setEncSesContr(java.lang.String newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the encrypted session contract.
        newValue - This is the encrypted session contract.
      • getCurrentTradingAgreementIdsAsString

        java.lang.String getCurrentTradingAgreementIdsAsString()
                                                        throws ECException
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by EntitlementContext.getCurrentTradingAgreementIds()
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the current trading agreement IDs as a string separated by ";".
        This method returns a String object.
      • setForStoreId

        void setForStoreId(java.lang.Integer val)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the for forStoreId.
        val - This is an Integer object.
      • setEncoding

        void setEncoding(java.lang.String encoding)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the character encoding.
        encoding - This is the character encoding to set.
      • setTransactionCache setTransactionCache( aCustomProperties)
        This method sets the cache of custom properties. The cache contents can be cleared by the CommandContext at any time.
        This method returns the previous cache of custom properties.
      • setActivityToken

        void setActivityToken(ActivityToken token)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the activity token associated with this request.
        token - This is the activity token.
      • buildRedirectUrl

        java.lang.String buildRedirectUrl(TypedProperty prop)
                                   throws ECApplicationException
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. A view should be used for redirection.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method returns a redirect URL based on the properties.
        prop - This is a TypedProperty object that represents the parameters for the redirect URL.
      • getDefaultDeviceFormat

        java.lang.Integer getDefaultDeviceFormat()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the default device type which is used to locate a view command implementation from the URL configuration when no view command is defined for the input device type.
        This method returns the default device type
      • getDeviceFormatAdapter getDeviceFormatAdapter()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the device format adapter associated with this command.
        This method returns a DeviceFormatAdapter object.
      • getDeviceFormatId

        java.lang.Integer getDeviceFormatId()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the device format ID for the adapter associated with this request.
        This method returns the device format id.
      • getDeviceFormatTypeId

        java.lang.Integer getDeviceFormatTypeId()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the device type associated with this request which is used for locating view commands from the VIEWREG table.
        This method returns an Integer object.
      • getDeviceType

        java.lang.Integer getDeviceType()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the device format type associated with this request.
        This method returns an Integer object.
      • getDocumentPathName

        java.lang.String getDocumentPathName(java.lang.String baseName)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method returns the actual output document path name given a base name.
        baseName - This is a String object that represents the base name of the document.
        This method returns a String object that represents the actual output document name.
      • getRedirectionURL

        java.lang.String getRedirectionURL()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the redirect URL for this request.
        This method returns a String object.
      • getRemoteAddr

        java.lang.String getRemoteAddr()
        Deprecated. The TransportData object should be retrieved from the AuditContext of the request. The remote address is retrieved by calling TransportData.getRemoteAddress()
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the address of the remote host.
        This method returns a String object.
      • getRemoteHost

        java.lang.String getRemoteHost()
        Deprecated. The TransportData object should be retrieved from the AuditContext of the request. The remote host is retrieved by calling TransportData.getRemoteHost()
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the name of the remote host.
        This method returns a String object.
      • getViewCommand

        java.lang.String getViewCommand()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the view task associated with this command.
        This method returns the view command name.
      • getSessionContext getSessionContext()
                                                           throws ECException
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method returns a session context associated with this request.
        This method returns a SessionContext object.
      • getSessionData getSessionData()
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called. Instead of retrieving the attributes from the SessionData object, the equivalent methods should be called from the command context.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the session data associated with this request.
        This method returns a SessionData object.
      • setDefaultDeviceFormat

        void setDefaultDeviceFormat(java.lang.Integer newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the default device format type for this request.
        newValue - This is an Integer object that represents the device format type.
      • setDeviceFormatAdapter

        void setDeviceFormatAdapter( newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the device format adapter used for this request.
        newValue - This is a DeviceFormatAdapter object.
      • setDeviceFormatId

        void setDeviceFormatId(java.lang.Integer newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the device format ID for this request.
        newValue - This is an Integer object that represents the device format id.
      • setDeviceFormatTypeId

        void setDeviceFormatTypeId(java.lang.Integer newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the device format type ID for this request.
        newValue - This is an Integer object that represents the device format type id.
      • setDeviceType

        void setDeviceType(java.lang.Integer newValue)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the device type for this request.
        newValue - This is an Integer object that represents the device type.
      • setRedirectionURL

        void setRedirectionURL(java.lang.String value)
        Deprecated. The URL should be set in the response property instead.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the redirect URL name.
        value - This is a String object that represents the redirect URL name.
      • setRemoteAddr

        void setRemoteAddr(java.lang.String newRemoteAddr)
        Deprecated. The TransportData object should be retrieved from the AuditContext of the request. The remote address should be set by calling
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the remote host address.
        newRemoteAddr - This is a String object.
      • setRemoteHost

        void setRemoteHost(java.lang.String newRemoteHost)
        Deprecated. The TransportData object should be retrieved from the AuditContext of the request. The remote host should be set by calling
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the remote host name.
        newRemoteHost - This is a String object
      • getRequest

        java.lang.Object getRequest()
        Deprecated. If the CommandContext object is an instance of ViewCommandContext (that is, the request is initiated from the web channel), it should be cast to ViewCommandContext and the getRequest() method should be used.
        This method gets the controller request object associated with this request.
        This method returns the request object.
      • getResponse

        java.lang.Object getResponse()
        Deprecated. If the CommandContext object is an instance of ViewCommandContext (that is, the request is initiated from the web channel), it should be cast to ViewCommandContext and the getResponse() method should be used.
        This method gets the response object associated with this request.
        This method returns the response object.
      • getUniqueSessionTag

        java.lang.String getUniqueSessionTag()
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by CommandContextHelper.getUniqueSessionTag(CommandContext)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method returns a tag that is unique for the session.
        This method returns a String object.
      • setRequest

        void setRequest(java.lang.Object value)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the controller request object associated with this command.
        value - This is an Object that represents the request.
      • setResponse

        void setResponse(java.lang.Object value)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the response object associated with this command.
        value - This is an Object that represents the response.
      • getWebpath

        java.lang.String getWebpath()
        Deprecated. If the CommandContext is an instance of ViewCommandContext (that is, the request is initiated from the web channel), it should be cast to ViewCommandContext and the getWebpath() method should be used.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method returns the Web path for an HTTP request.
        This method returns a java.lang.String object.
      • setWebpath

        void setWebpath(java.lang.String webpath)
        Deprecated. This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the Web path associated with this command.
        webpath - This is a String object.
      • getCallerId

        java.lang.Long getCallerId()
        This method gets the original caller id of this request.
        This method returns the caller id.
      • getActiveOrganizationId

        java.lang.Long getActiveOrganizationId()
                                        throws ECException
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by EntitlementContext.getActiveOrganizationId()
        This method gets the active organization for the current store. The default is the user's parent organization.
        This method returns the member ID of the organization.
      • setActiveOrganizationId

        void setActiveOrganizationId(java.lang.Long nOrganizationId)
                              throws ECException
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by
        This method sets the active organization for the current store.
        nOrganizationId - This is the member id of the organization.
      • initializeStickyUser

        void initializeStickyUser()
                           throws ECException
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets up the sticky user properly in the command context.
      • establishStickyUser

        void establishStickyUser(java.lang.Long nUserId)
                          throws ECException
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the forUserId to be used for this request and subsequent requests.
        nUserId - This is the userId to be sticky.
      • clearStickyUser

        boolean clearStickyUser()
                         throws ECException
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method clears the current sticky forUserId from the session.
        This method returns a boolean value; true if there was a stickyUserId to clear and false otherwise.
      • setStickyUserId

        void setStickyUserId(java.lang.Long nUserId)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the sticky forUserId.
      • getStickyUserId

        java.lang.Long getStickyUserId()
                                throws ECException
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the sticky forUserId.
      • getStickyActiveOrganizationId

        java.lang.Long getStickyActiveOrganizationId()
                                              throws ECException
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the sticky active organization Id for the sticky user.
        This method returns the active organization Id.
      • setStickyActiveOrganizationId

        void setStickyActiveOrganizationId(java.lang.Long nActiveOrganizationId)
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method sets the sticky active organization Id for the sticky user.
        nActiveOrganizationId - This is the active organization Id.
      • getOrginalUserId

        java.lang.Long getOrginalUserId()
                                 throws ECException
        Deprecated. This method has been replaced by getOriginalUserId()
        Reserved for IBM internal use. This method gets the original userId.