Importing contracts
Importing a contract or service agreement uploads a service agreement in XML format from your local client to the HCL Commerce Server and deploys the service agreement in HCL Commerce.
- Open HCL Commerce Accelerator.
- Click Account List page displays, containing business accounts currently defined for the selected store. . The
- Select the check box to the left of the business account that you want to work with and click Contracts. A list of contracts for the account is displayed.
Click Import. The Import Contracts
dialog is displayed.
Note: If you want to import a contract by modifying the existing contract, you will have to export the existing contract (under the same name) and modify the below parameters for a successful import:
- Remove the reference number tag and its corresponding value from the exported XML file.
- Replace the ContractUniqueKey name value with a new string (eg., "Test").
Example, If you are importing a new test contract under Contracts for AuroraB2BESite BaseContracts, the XML structure should be as below:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Package xmlns="http://www.ibm.com/WebSphereCommerce" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.ibm.com/WebSphereCommerce Package.xsd"> <BuyerContract state = "Active" contractUsage = "OrganizationBuyer"
creditAllowed = "false" > <Participant role = "Creator"> <ParticipantMember> <UserRef distinguishName = "uid=wcsadmin,o=root organization"/> </ParticipantMember> </Participant> <ContractUniqueKey name = "Test" majorVersionNumber = "1" minorVersionNumber = "0" origin = "Deployment"> <ContractOwner> <OrganizationRef distinguishName = "ou=extended sites seller organizationaurorab2besite,o=extended sites seller organization,o=root organization"/> </ContractOwner> </ContractUniqueKey> <ContractDescription locale = "en_US"/> <AccountReference> <AccountRef name = "AuroraB2BESite BaseContracts"> <AccountOwner> <OrganizationRef distinguishName = "ou=extended sites seller organizationaurorab2besite,o=extended sites seller organization,o=root organization"/> </AccountOwner> </AccountRef> </AccountReference> <ContractReference> <ContractRef name = "AuroraB2BStorefrontAssetStore Base for Default Contract" majorVersionNumber = "1" minorVersionNumber = "0" origin = "Deployment"> <ContractOwner> <OrganizationRef distinguishName = "ou=aurorab2bstorefrontassetstore,o=extended sites organization,o=root organization"/> </ContractOwner> </ContractRef> </ContractReference> <TermCondition type = "PriceRuleTC" mandatory = "false" changeable = "false" > <Property name = "priceRuleId" value = "11501" /> </TermCondition> </BuyerContract> </Package>
- In the XML File field, type the full path to the service agreement XML file. You can also click Browse to find the XML file by using the Choose file dialog.
- Click Import to import the contract from your local client machine.
If the status of the service agreement is Deployment Failed when the list of service agreements is refreshed, you can attempt to redeploy the contract.