Store Creation wizard
You can create stores quickly and easily by using the Store Creation wizard. The wizard asks a customer to provide some basic data about their store (name, description, and so on), allows the customer to select the storefront or catalog they want to use, and then creates the store. The resulting store has some unique data, but uses the storefront and catalog data from existing asset stores.
The Store Creation wizard's behavior is governed by a template, which determines what options are available for creating the store, including store relationships, shipping modes, messages, and shared fulfillment center. These templates are in the WCDC_installdir/WC/xml/trading/xml directory.
A template is associated with the Store Creation wizard, based on the type of storefront asset store that is chosen in the wizard. For example, if you choose to use assets from the reseller storefront asset store the Store Creation wizard uses the TemplateHostingContractRPS.xml file.
To change the assets that the store shares, you must change the asset store.
SQL scripts that are provided. For more
information, see Database Cleanup utility objects.From V9.1 onwards, use Management Center for Store Creation. Follow steps given for Extended Sites Store Creation Wizard.