You can schedule sitemaps generation. Using the Scheduler in the Administration
Console, you can create a sitemaps job, or update an existing one.For example, you might
want to include any updates that are made to your catalog each day. When the scheduled job runs, it
creates a sitemap.xml file, and a
sitemap_storeId.xml.gz compressed file, which is based on
your catalog information. The location of generated sitemap files is the
/tmp/seo/siteMap/ directory within the Transaction server Docker container.
Open the Administration
Console, and select Site on the Administration Console
Site/Store Selection page.
. A list of jobs that are scheduled
to run is displayed.
Create the SitemapGenerate job:
Click New.
Create the SitemapGenerate job with the following values:
New Scheduled Job: SitemapGenerate
Parameter |
Value |
Job command |
SitemapGenerate |
Job Parameters |
Type the following optional parameters of the command into a string
representation of a URL query. For example, if you have more than one store,
the URL query string representation to specify these parameters would be
storeId_1=10001&storeId_2=10002 . The following
example displays how you would type in more than one parameter for your
Note: For extended sites stores with sales catalogs,
the catalogId must be passed for the sales catalog as shown in the
following example:
- storeId
- The store ID of the store for which the sitemap is generated.
- storeType
- This parameter is used to restrict the type of
store that can have a sitemap generated. If a value is not specified,
then there is no restriction on the store type of entered store
- It is the alphabetical value in the STORETYPE column for the
corresponding STORE_ID value present in the STORE table.
- maxUrlNumber
- The maximum number of URLs a sitemap is
allowed to have. If value is not specified, the default value of
50,000 is used. A sitemap XML file cannot contain more than 50,000 URL
- catalogId
- The catalog ID to generate URLs for. If no
catalog ID is specified, the master catalog ID is used.
- validation
- This flag indicates whether the generated
sitemap must be validated against the sitemap schema. By default this
value is set to false.
- compareFiles
- This flag indicates whether to do a file
comparison of generated sitemap files with the files that are
generated from last run. If the files are the same, no new files are
generated. Default value is true.
- sitemapView
- On an SEO enabled store,
SEOSitemapView is used to generate static page
URLs. On stores without SEO enabled, this parameter can be used to
specify the name of the view that is used as the sitemap template for
specified store. If no sitemapView is specified,
the default sitemap view DefaultSitemapView is
- HostName
- The host name of the production environment
that is used to host the sitemap.xml files. This
parameter is needed when the command is executed on a staging or
remote server.
- updateEAR
This flag allows the caller to disable the
EAR update (set to true by default). All files
remain in the temporary directory.
- generateAlternateLanguage
This flag indicates whether the sitemap URL
tags must be generated with corresponding xhtml
tags, which are set to false by default. Google's
xhtml tag indicates links of the same web content
in alternate languages. For more information about alternate
languages and sitemaps, see Sitemap to indicate alternate language pages
Start Date |
Enter the current date. |
Start time |
Enter a time that you want to start the job for the first time. |
Schedule Interval |
Type the number of seconds between successive runs of this job. If this
parameter is omitted, the job is run only once. Typically this job is not scheduled to run regularly
and is run as needed. If you find you create many new products monthly, you might want to run it
more frequently. |
Job priority |
Enter 10 to indicate that the job is high
priority. |
Click OK.
Your job is listed on the Scheduler Status Display page and runs at the
specified start time.Generated sitemaps can be found in the
/tmp/seo/siteMap/ directory within the Transaction server Docker container.