Create email message JSP files so that the email content that is composed by the IBM Watson Campaign Automation email template can use its content. The IBM Watson Campaign Automation email template uses personalization name-value pair replacement
variables to include content that is provided by the email message JSP on the HCL Commerce
Create the email JSP body by using one of the following options:
- Option 1: The HCL Commerce JSP composes the entire HTML
and passes the HTML in one
personalization name-value pair.
- Option 2: The HCL Commerce JSP creates personalization
name-value pairs.
Create the email JSP body by using Option 1:
Make a copy of the existing JSP file to reuse and register it in Struts.
Open the JSP file for editing. Update it to set generic personalization name-value pairs and
set up the BODY personalization name-value pair to be created by the JSP file:
- Before the opening
tag, insert the following
snippet:<jsp:useBean id="personalizationMap" class="java.util.LinkedHashMap" type="java.util.Map"/>
<c:set target="${personalizationMap}" property="STORE_ID" value="${storeId}" />
<c:set target="${personalizationMap}" property="CATALOG_ID" value="${catalogId}" />
<c:set target="${personalizationMap}" property="LANG_ID" value="${langId}" />
<c:set target="${personalizationMap}" property="STORE_NAME" value="${storeName}" />
<c:if test="${!empty personalizationMap}">
<%@ include file="../Common/SilverpopPersonalizationXml.jspf"%>
- After the closing
tag, insert the following
snippet:<c:if test="${!empty personalizationMap}">
- Remove the following element:
<!doctype HTML>
Save your changes and close the JSP file.
Create the email JSP body by using Option 2:
Create the JSP file to contain the email content and register it in Struts.
Open the JSP file for editing. Update it to include the following content:
- Set up personalization map and generic
<jsp:useBean id="personalizationMap" class="java.util.LinkedHashMap" type="java.util.Map"/>
<c:set target="${personalizationMap}" property="STORE_ID" value="${storeId}" />
<c:set target="${personalizationMap}" property="CATALOG_ID" value="${catalogId}" />
<c:set target="${personalizationMap}" property="LANG_ID" value="${langId}" />
<c:set target="${personalizationMap}" property="STORE_NAME" value="${storeName}" />
- Add any additional custom personalization name-value pairs, such
<c:set target="${personalizationMap}" property="USER_NAME" value="${WCParam.logonId}" />
<c:set target="${personalizationMap}" property="PASSWORD" value="${WCParam.logonPassword}" />
Create the Transact XML by including the following snippet after all of the name-value pairs
have been added to the personalizationMap:
<c:if test="${!empty personalizationMap}">
<%@ include file="../Common/SilverpopPersonalizationXml.jspf"%>
Note: The
file sets up values such as the email address of the recipient, and if necessary the subject, in the
XML. It also parses the personalization name-value pairs set in the personalizationMap bean and
places them in the XML.
<c:if test="${!empty personalizationMap}">
<c:forEach items="${personalizationMap}" varStatus="pmStatus">
<TAG_NAME><c:out value="${pmStatus.current.key}"/></TAG_NAME>
<VALUE><![CDATA[<c:out value="${personalizationMap[pmStatus.current.key]}" escapeXml="false"/>]]></VALUE>
- Optional:
Include an e-Marketing Spot.
After you include the SilverpopPersonalizationXml.jspf file, but before you
close the </RECIPIENT>
Set the <TAG_NAME>
to be the name of the e-Marketing Spot, and use the standard
method of including an e-Marketing Spot in the <VALUE>
<%@ include file="../Common/SilverpopPersonalizationXml.jspf"%>
<c:import url="${env_siteWidgetsDir}">
<c:param name="emsName" value="EmailWishlist_Content" />
<c:param name="storeId" value="${storeId}" />
<c:param name="catalogId" value="${catalogId}" />
<c:param name="isEmail" value="true" />
<c:param name="substitutionName1" value="[senderName]" />
<c:param name="substitutionValue1" value="${WCParam.senderName}" />
business user then enters %%spotname%%
in the IBM Watson Campaign Automation email template to include the e-Marketing Spot HTML created by the
e-Marketing Spot JSP file. In this example, the business user enters
- Optional:
Enable the IBM Watson Campaign Automation
Click To View feature to display the email as HTML in a web browser.
Define each personalization name-value pair in the IBM Watson Campaign Automation database
by including a <SAVE_COLUMNS>
element in the Transact XML for each
personalization name-value pair.
element contains the personalization element. By placing
an element personalization in the <SAVE_COLUMNS>
section, Engage stores the
value for this field in the database associated with the Transact Automated Message Group in Engage
with system field data for the record.
If you are using HCL Commerce Version 9.0.0.x, register the email JSP Struts changes
by using
as the device format:
<forward className=""
<set-property property = "interfaceName" value = ""/>
<set-property property = "implClassName" value = ""/>
For example, to register the email JSP Struts changes for received
<forward className=""
<set-property property="implClassName" value=""/>
<set-property property="interfaceName" value=""/>
Register the email JSP Struts changes by using
as the
device format in the global result part of struts-wcs-stores-custom.xml:
<result name="template_view/storeId/-22" type="wcsstore">
<param name="implClassName"></param>
<param name="interfaceName"></param>
<param name="location">template_path</param>
For example, to register the email JSP Struts changes for received orders:
<result name="OrderReceivedView/10101/-22" type="wcsstore">
<param name="implClassName"></param>
<param name="interfaceName"></param>
<param name="location">/EmailTemplates/Order/SilverpopOrderCreateNotify.jsp</param>