Configuring cacheable objects

To configure cacheable objects, update the cachespec.xml file.


  1. Open the cachespec.xml file in the web application archive (WAR) WEB-INF or enterprise bean WEB-INF directory.
  2. Specify the cache entry for use with servlet or JSP result caching or command caching.
    1. Specify the cache entry for servlet or JSP result caching and add the following section to the cachespec.xml file.

      Where name is the relative web path or servlet mapping of the servlet or JSP file.

  3. Specify the cache entry for command caching and add the following section to the cachespec.xml file:

    Where name is the complete path to the command class, for example,

    Note: Remote stores do not support command caching. Specify command cache entries in the cachespec.xml file in the Transaction server Stores.war file.