You can customize site maps integration.
Generating site map catalog page
URLs does not occur in a JSP file. The URLs are instead generated
using the CatalogTreeSiteMapGenerateCmd command.
The CatalogTreeSiteMapGenerateCmd command generates
the site map catalog page URLs in the XML file. By default, the URLs
constructed for products and categories are hierarchical (URL includes
category hierarchy), and for top categories, a canonical URL is constructed.
To customize the site map generation utility so that different
URL patterns are constructed for the product and category pages, specify
a different URL pattern for products and categories:
- Extend the CatalogTreeSiteMapGenerateCmdImpl class
and override the following methods to return different URL patterns:
- For products: getSEOURLPatternNameForCatalogEntry(CatalogNodeDataBean,
- For categories: getSEOURLPatternNameForCategory(CatalogNodeDataBean,
For example to change the URL pattern used
to generate category URLs:
protected String getSEOURLPatternNameForCatalogEntry(CatalogNodeDataBean next, Integer languageId) {
return "ProductURLWithParentCategory";
the name of the URL pattern.
- Update the entry in the CMDREG table
to use the extended catalog tree site map generate class.
the classname of the interfacename,
to the name of the extended class, com.mycompany.commerce.seo.sitemap.commands.classname