Remove marked for delete Commerce Composer layouts
You can run the CleanPageLayoutsCmdImpl command to remove layouts from the database that business users delete. When a business user deletes a layout with the Commerce Composer tool, the layout is removed from the tool and store pages, but not from the database. The layout is only marked for delete in the database. As an administrator, run the CleanPageLayoutsCmdImpl command as a scheduled job to clean up the database by removing any layouts that are marked for delete.
When business users delete layouts in the Commerce Composer tool, the Commerce Composer
framework removes the layouts from Management Center. The framework also updates the PAGELAYOUT database table to set the value of the STATE column to be 2
for the layout the business user deleted. By changing the state of the layout, the framework marks
the layout for deletion when a cleanup utility or job runs. When a scheduled job that invokes the
CleanPageLayoutsCmdImpl command runs, any layout with a value of
in the STATE column is deleted from the database. The command also invokes the
delete method of the appropriate widget manager class to clean up any widget data specific for the
layout. The cleanup process maintains the referential integrity of your database as the job deletes
the layout and widget data.
Alternatively, you can use the Data Load utility to delete
layout information from the database. To delete a layout with this utility, you can use an input CSV
that identifies the layout information and includes a value of 1
for the DELETE
column. For more information about creating this kind of CSV file, see layout input file. To delete layouts with this method, you must identify
each layout to be deleted within the CSV file. If you run a scheduled job that invokes the
CleanPageLayoutsCmdImpl command, all layouts marked for delete are removed. If
your database includes multiple layouts that are marked for delete, running the scheduled job can
take less time.
Clean page layout scheduled job configuration
configuration property to "Y"
to have
the job remove layouts that are marked for delete. You can also configure the job to also delete
layouts that are inactive for longer that a specified number of days with the
configuration property. By default, the value for this
property is "60"
days. Your configured CleanPageLayouts
job, can
resemble the following
code:<_config:configgrouping name="CleanPageLayouts">
<!-- The property to configure the number of days that the page layout can be cleaned after it expired. -->
<_config:property name="daysExpiredToDelete" value="60" />
<!-- The property to configure whether to clean the page layouts that are marked for delete.
Y, clean the page layouts that are marked for delete.
N, do NOT clean the page layouts that are marked for delete.
<_config:property name=cleanMarkedForDelete" value="Y"/>
this scheduled job runs, the widget data for the layout deletes first, then any layout assignment
data that exists, before the job deletes the layout data. When the CleanPageLayouts
process uses the WidgetManagementService.delete
method to delete widget
information, the method can delete the e-Marketing Spot used with the widget. If your widget
includes an e-Marketing Spot, the e-Marketing Spot is deleted only if the e-Marketing Spot was
created and managed with the Commerce Composer tool. To determine whether the e-Marketing Spot for a
widget is created and managed with this tool, review the widget definition XML for the widget within
the PROPERTIES column of the PLWIDGETNVP database table. If the widget definition
XML contains the requireEMS
property with a value of true
, an
e-Marketing Spot is created and managed with the Commerce Composer tool. If the e-Marketing Spot for
the widget includes title content, this content is also deleted. e-Marketing Spots that are created
and managed within the Marketing tool are not deleted.