Uninstalling the Update Installer silently

You can uninstall the WebSphere Commerce Update Installer (UPDI) by using command lines; no graphical interface is required.

The WebSphere Commerce Update Installer undergoes regular maintenance and offers updated versions. Before you install an updated version of UPDI, you must first uninstall any older version.
For IBM i OS operating systemNote: The silent uninstall is the only supported option for uninstalling the Update Installer on IBM i machines.

Before you begin

  • AIXLinuxLog on:
    • As a root user
    • Or as a non-root user that owns WC_installdir
  • Important: If UPDI was installed by the root user, only the root user can uninstall UPDI.
  • For IBM i OS operating systemEnsure that your user profile has *SECOFR authority.
  • WindowsLog on to a user that has Windows Administrative user rights.


  1. LinuxAIXWindows Start a command-line session.
  2. For IBM i OS operating system Start a Qshell session.
  3. Navigate to the UPDI_installdir/uninstall directory.
  4. Launch the uninstall by issuing the one of the following commands
    • LinuxAIX./uninstall -silent
    • For IBM i OS operating systemuninstall -silent
    • Windowsuninstall.exe -silent
  5. Refer to the following log file to ensure that the uninstall was successful: UPDI_installdir/logs/uninstall/log.txt
  6. Delete the UPDI_installdir directory.