Images denote information that is specific to particular edition, business model, database management system, or operating system.
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Applicable only to WebSphere (R) Commerce Enterprise. |
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Applicable only to WebSphere Commerce Professional. |
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Applicable only to WebSphere Commerce Developer. WebSphere Commerce Developer is available in the same editions as WebSphere Commerce. Use the edition of WebSphere Commerce Developer that matches your edition of WebSphere Commerce. The IBM Knowledge Center refers to these products collectively as the WebSphere Commerce Developer. |
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Applicable to a B2C store. |
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Applicable to a B2B store. |
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Specific to the Apache Derby database. |
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Specific to the DB2 Universal Database (TM). |
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Specific to the Oracle database. |
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Specific to programs that run on AIX (R). |
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Specific to programs that run on Linux. |
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Specific to programs that run on Windows Server 2012. |
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Specific to programs that run on IBM i Version 7.1 or Version 7.2. |
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Introduced in Version 8.0.0 Fix Pack 1. Note: The following conventions are also used to
represent other fix packs (8.0.0.x) for WebSphere Commerce Version
8.0: |
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Introduced in Version 8 Mod Pack 1 (also known as Note: Fix packs are also released
for Mod Pack levels. The following conventions are also used to represent fix packs for Mod Pack
1: |
- businessmodel
- The name of the business model with which you are working (for example, B2C or B2B direct, extended sites).
- cell_name
- The name of the WebSphere Application Server cell. Cells are arbitrary, logical groupings of one, or more nodes in a WebSphere Application Server distributed network that are managed together by a WebSphere Network Deployment Manager. In this definition, a node is a single occurrence of WebSphere Application Server and the applications that run inside the occurrence of WebSphere Application Server.
- db_password
- The password for the database user.
- dba_password
- The password for the database administrator. Use dba_password if table and database locks require administrator privileges. For example, if WebSphere Commerce is configured as an authoring server, or WebSphere Commerce Developer is configured to use an authoring server database.
- db_schema
- The database user ID (schema owner). This value is typically the same value as the value for db in development_db.
- db_user
- The database user.
- development_db
The name of your WebSphere Commerce development database.
- drive
The letter that represents the drive on which you installed the product or component that is being discussed (for example, C:).
- host_name
- The fully qualified host name of your WebSphere Commerce server (for example, is fully qualified).
- instance_name
- The name of the WebSphere Commerce instance with which you are working (for example, demo).
- locale
- A language and country-specific code. By default, WebSphere Commerce supports the following locales:
- ar_EG
- Arabic Egypt.
- de_DE
- German.
- en_US
- United States English.
- es_ES
- Spanish.
- fr_FR
- French.
- it_IT
- Italian.
- ja_JP
- Japanese.
- ko_KR
- Korean.
- pl_PL
- Polish.
- pt_BR
- Brazilian Portuguese.
- ru_RU
- Russian.
- ro_RO
- Romanian.
- tr_TR
- Turkish.
- zh_CN
- Simplified Chinese.
- zh_TW
- Traditional Chinese.
- Management_Center_component
- The name of the Management Center tool or area with which you want to work. The values are catalog, marketing, promotion, foundation, and shell.
- node_name
- The short (unqualified) host name of your WebSphere Commerce node (for example, wcserver). A WebSphere Commerce node is a node in your topology that contains the WebSphere Commerce Server.
- profile_name
- The name of the WebSphere Application Server profile that is created for your WebSphere Commerce instance.
- storedir
- The name of the directory in which store-specific assets are located, as defined in the DIRECTORY column of the STORE table.
- storeId
- The store entity ID as defined in the STORE_ID column of the STORE table.
- target_db
- The name of the database that is used by your target WebSphere Commerce Server.
- WAS_instance_name
- The name of the WebSphere Application Server with which your WebSphere Commerce instance is associated.
- WC_enterprise_application
- WC_instance_name. For example,
given the instance_name
, the value of WC_enterprise_application isWC_demo
. - WCServer_enterprise_archive
- WC_instance_name.ear. For example,
given the instance_name
, the value of WCServer_enterprise_archive isWC_demo.ear
. - widgetdir
- The name of the directory in which site-level widget storefront assets are included, Widgets
Path variables
- Ant_installdir
- The installation directory for Apache Ant.
- DB2_installdir
- This directory is the installation path for DB2 Universal Database. The default installation
path is: For DB2 Version 10.5:
C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB
- HTTPServer_installdir
- This directory is the installation directory for IBM HTTP Server. These directories are the default
directories for IBM HTTP Server 8.5.5:
C:\Program Files\IBM HTTP Server
- Oracle_installdir
- This directory is the installation path for the Oracle database. For example, /opt/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0.
- RAD_installdir
- This directory is the installation directory for Rational Application Developer. These directories are the default
installation directories:
C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\9.5
- refapphome
- This path is the installation path for reference application. The default installation path is WC_installdir/refapps/ref-app-name, where ref-app-name is the name of the reference application.
- Search_eardir
- This directory is the path for the WebSphere Commerce search enterprise archive. For example, /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/demo_solr/installedApps/demo_search_cell/Search_demo.ear
- Search_home
- The location of the WebSphere Commerce search home directory path.
- solrhome
- The location of the Solr home directory path that contains the index data of Solr. The value must be an absolute path.
- StaticHTMLAssets_tempDir
- This directory is the temporary directory where you extracted the Static HTML Assets package.
- Sterling_dir
- The directory where Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Suite is installed, for example /opt/Sterling.
- Sterling_eardir
- This directory is the path for the Sterling enterprise archive, for example: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/sterlingApp/installedApps/Sterling_cell_name_cell/Sterling Applications.ear
- Store_archivedir
- The directory path for the store web application archive (WAR) file of a WebSphere Commerce instance, for example: WC_eardir/Stores.war.
- TestAssets_tempDir
- This directory is the temporary directory where you extracted the Test Assets package.
- UPDI_tempdir
- This directory is the temporary directory where you save the WebSphere Commerce Update Installer download package.
- UPDI_installdir
- This directory is the installation directory of the WebSphere Commerce Update Installer. This installer is used to
install maintenance packages such as fix packs and mod packs.
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\UpdateInstaller
- WAS_installdir
- This directory is the installation path for WebSphere Application Server. These directories are the default
installation paths:
C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer
, where edition is either ND or BASEedition
- WAS_userdir
This directory is the path for all the data that is used by WebSphere Application Server that can be modified or must be configured by the user.
- WCBD_installdir
- The installation directory for the WebSphere Commerce Build and Deployment tool. These
directories are the default installation paths:
- WC_installdir\wcbd
- WCBD_deploy_server_common_dir
- The common directory to store the server deployment package installations.
- WCBD_deploy_server_dir
- The installation directory for the server deployment package that is created by the build process.
- WCBD_deploy_toolkit_common_dir
- The common directory to store the development environment deployment package installations.
- WCBD_deploy_toolkit_dir
- The installation directory for the development environment deployment package that is created by the build process.
- WC_eardir
- This directory is the path for the WebSphere Commerce Enterprise Archive. These directories are
the default paths:
Note: XML files in WC_eardir/xml are not updated directly. For more information about working with the files in this directory, see XML configuration directory. - WC_installdir
- This directory is the installation path for WebSphere Commerce. These directories are the default
installation paths for WebSphere Commerce:
C:\Program Files\WebSphere\CommerceServer80
- WC_instance_root
The default path is
.- WC_profiledir
- This directory is the path for the WebSphere Application Server profile for WebSphere Commerce. A profile is the set of files that define the runtime environment. These directories are the
default profile paths:
- WC_userdir
This directory is the directory for all the data that is used by WebSphere Commerce that can be modified or must be configured by the user. The default path is /QIBM/UserData/CommerceServer80.
- WCDE_installdir
- This directory is the installation directory for the WebSphere Commerce development environment. The default installation directory is C:\IBM\WCDE80.
- workspace_dir
This directory is the WebSphere Commerce workspace directory. The default is WCDE_installdir\workspace.