Mapping a WSDL document to the web services framework

In this lesson, you are mapping the WSDL document from the previous lesson to the WebSphere Commerce Web services framework.

About this task

Enabling WebSphere Commerce to handle the web service

To map the WSDL document to the Web services framework you must enable WebSphere Commerce to handle the Web service. Enabling the WebSphere Commerce Web Service framework to handle the WSDL defined previously involves two steps. The first step is configuring the WebSphere Commerce Web Services runtime to delegate the Web Service request to the WebSphere Commerce Web Services framework. The second step is configuring the WebSphere Commerce Web Services to process the request. This configuration is done by using the message mapping facility to convert the XML request to a name-value-pair. The name-value-pair passes to the business logic and JSP to handle the response and configure the JSP that generates the web service response.

Mapping the WSDL to the WebSphere Commerce web services framework

The approach taken in this tutorial is to map the WSDL to the WebSphere Commerce Web Services framework. The Web Services tooling can be used to create and update existing deployment files to generate this mapping. By using the wizard to generate a Java Bean Skeleton, you generate the required files to create the mapping and update the web services deployment descriptors to register the new WSDL.


  1. In the Enterprise Explorer view , select WebServicesRouter > WebContent > wsdl > MyCompany > MyCompany-CustomerServices.wsdl.
  2. Right click the WSDL file and select Web Services > Generate Java bean Skeleton. The Web Services wizard displays.
  3. Ensure that your configuration settings in the Web Services wizard matches the following values:
    Configuration setting Value
    Web service type: Top down Java bean Web Service
    Service definition: /WebServicesRouter/WebContent/wsdl/MyCompany/MyCompany-CustomerServices.wsdl
    Server: WebSphere Application Server v7.0
    Web service runtime: IBM WebSphere JAX-RPC
    Service project: WebServicesRouter
    Service EAR project: WC
    Client type: Java Proxy
    Clear all the check boxes. Ensure that your Web Services wizard settings resembles the following image:
    This screen capture shows what the Web Services screen looks like before the user clicks Finish
  4. Click Finish. A warning displays while generating the Java bean skeleton. Select OK to continue the process. If your WebSphere Commerce test server is not started, selecting OK causes your WebSphere Commerce test server to start.
  5. Edit the MyCompany-CustomerServices_mapping.xml file to modify the service endpoint interface to begin mapping your service to the WebSphere Commerce Web services framework:
    1. In the Enterprise Explorer view, navigate to WebServicesRouter/WebContent/WEB-INF.
    2. Right-click the MyCompany-CustomerServices_mapping.xml file; click Open.
    3. Click the Source tab.
    4. Search for the following code within the file:
    5. Change the value for the java-port-name. Replace the content between the java-port-name tags with the following code:
    6. Search for the following line within the file:
    7. Replace the param-type with following code:
    8. Search for the following line within the file:
    9. Replace the method-return-value with following code:
    10. Search for the following line within the file:
    11. Replace the line with following service-endpoint-interface:
    12. Change the value of the <java-method-name> from syncCustomer to executeService. This value is the method name for the service that is handled by the WebSphere Commerce Web Services framework.
    13. Ensure that your updated service-interface-mapping and service-endpoint-interface-mapping for the MyCompany-CustomerServices_mapping.xml file resembles the following code:
          <wsdl-service-name xmlns:sim="">sim:MyCompany-CustomerServices</wsdl-service-name>
          <wsdl-port-type xmlns:seimwpt="">seimwpt:MyCompany-CustomerServicesPortType</wsdl-port-type>
          <wsdl-binding xmlns:seimwb="">seimwb:MyCompany-CustomerServicesSOAP</wsdl-binding>
                      <wsdl-message xmlns:mppm="">mppm:SyncCustomer</wsdl-message>
                  <wsdl-message xmlns:wrvm="">wrvm:ConfirmBOD</wsdl-message>
    14. Save your changes to the MyCompany-CustomerServices_mapping.xml file and close the editor.
  6. Edit the Web Service settings for your MyCompany-CustomerServices web service:
    1. In the Enterprise Explorer view navigate to WebContent/WEB-INF.
    2. Right-click the webservices.xml file, select Open With > Web Services Editor.
    3. Click the Web Services tab.
    4. In the Web service descriptions section, select MyCompany-CustomerServices.
    5. In the Web service description implementation details section, click the browse button to the right of the WSDL file field.
    6. In the Resource browser dialog, navigate to WebContent/WEB-INF/wsdl/wsdl/MyCompany; select MyCompany-CustomerServices.wsdl.
    7. Click OK.
    8. Save your changes. Keep the Web Services Editor open.
  7. Edit the Port Components settings for your MyCompany-CustomerServices web service:
    1. In the Web Services Editor, click the Port Components tab.
    2. For the Web service description field in the Port Components section, select MyCompany-CustomerServices.
    3. In the Port component implementation details section, click the browse button to the right of the Service endpoint interface field.
    4. In Browse for a Java class field in the Class browser dialog, enter
    5. Select the Java class click OK. The value ensures that the WSDL maps to the WebSphere Commerce Web services framework.
    6. For the Service implementation bean field, select OpenWebServiceBinding from the drop-down menu and select the Servlet link radio button.
    7. Save your changes. Keep the Web Services Editor open.
  8. Edit the Handlers settings for your MyCompany-CustomerServices web service:
    1. In the Web Services Editor, click the Handlers tab.
    2. In the Handlers section, select the Web service description field; select MyCompany-CustomerServices from the drop-down menu.
    3. In the Port Components field, select CustomerServices
    4. Click the Add button to add a handler.
    5. In the Browse for a Java class field of the Class browser dialog, enter
    6. Select the Java class; click OK.
    7. For the SOAP headers of the selected handler table in the SOAP headers section, click the Add button twice to create two header entries in the table.
    8. For the SOAP header entries, change the default values to match the following content:
      Namespace URI Local part Security Security
    9. For the SOAP roles of the selected handler field in the SOAP roles section, click Add to create a SOAP role entry.
    10. Change the value to " ". An entry that contains only a single space. Do not include the quotation marks.
      Note: If the value is left empty, the tooling removes the SOAP role. Setting a value of empty space allows the service to not specify a SOAP actor to use this handler
    11. Save your changes. Close the Web Services Editor.
  9. Edit the Web servlet settings for your web.xml file.
    1. In the Enterprise Explorer view navigate to WebServiceRouter/WebContent/WEB-INF.
    2. Right-click the web.xml file, select Open With > XML Editor.
    3. Replace the contents of your file with the following code:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <web-app id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" metadata-complete="true">
    4. Save your changes. Close the XML Editor.


In this lesson, you mapped your service to the WebSphere Commerce Web Services framework for request handling. Within this process, the following new and changed files must be updated when deploying the web services to an existing or new WebSphere Commerce instance.

  • WEB-INF/ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi (updated)
  • WEB-INF/ibm-webservices-ext.xmi (updated)
  • WEB-INF/MyCompany-CustomerServices_mapping.xml (new)
  • WEB-INF/webservices.xml (updated)
  • WEB-INF/web.xml (updated)
  • wsdl/MyCompany/MyCompany-CustomerServices.wsdl (new)
  • xsd/OAGIS/9.0/Overlays/MyCompany/BODs/SyncCustomer.xsd (new)
  • xsd/OAGIS/9.0/Overlays/MyCompany/Resources/Nouns/Customer.xsd (new)