Importing the Software Express plug-in
The Software Express plug-in is provided as sample code.
- Download the zip file that contains the Software Express
plug-in sample code,
Save the zip file, then unzip it to a location on your local directory, for example D:\Payments-Plugin-SiTef.
- Import the plug-in project.
- Start WebSphere Commerce Developer.
- Open the Java EE perspective.
- Click File > Import. The Import wizard opens.
- Click General > Existing Projects into Workspace, then click Next.
- Choose Select root directory; then click the Browse button. Specify the directory of the unzipped plug-in.
- Click Finish.
- Add the imported project to the WC modules.
- Double-click the deployment descriptor of the WC project, application.xml.
- Click the Design tab.
- Under Overview, click Add and select Module.
- Click OK.
- In the Add Module dialog, select the newly added Payments-Plugin-SiTef project and click Finish.
- Compile the project and modify the classpath to fix the
compile errors.
- Copy LibSiTef.jar, which can be obtained from Software Express, to toolkit_dir\workspace\WC\lib\ where toolkit_dir is the directory where the Toolkit is installed.
- Right-click the plug-in project; then click Properties.
- Click Java Build Path.
- Under the Libraries tab, modify the classpath to add Payments-EDP-Common.jar, Payments-Plugin.jar, LibSiTef.jar, and any other required jars to the classpath.
- If there is a compile error, go to 4.d to change the classpath and recompile.
- When you no longer have any compile errors, right-click the plug-in project and choose Java EE > Prepare for Deployment.
- On the Servers panel, right-click the server, and select Publish.