Adding a customizable field to the profile tab in the Store Management tool

In this lesson, you create the field in the Management Center property view profile tab that links to the field1 column in the database STORE table.

About this task


  1. In the Enterprise Explorer view, navigate to LOBTools > WebContent > config > commerce > store > propertiesViews.
  2. Open StorePropertiesView.def for editing.
  3. Add a PropertyGroup object definition for the new customizable field:
    1. Locate the following code snippet:
      <PropertyInputText name="email" promptText="${stoStoreResources.emailLabel}" objectPath="StoreContactInformation" propertyName="email1"/>
    2. Add the following new code to the end of the previous code snippet:
      <PropertyInputText name="storeManager" promptText="${stoStoreResourcesExt.storeManager}" propertyName="x_customField1" />
  4. Save your changes and close the file.
  5. If WebSphere Application Server is started, restart the server.
