Defining search
As part of creating a custom tool for the Management Center, you define an OpenLaszlo library class for each search definition.
As part of creating a custom tool for
the Management Center, you define search definitions for each search
About this task
- Complete one of the following steps:
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > lzx > mycompany > recipe.
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > config > mycompany > recipe.
- Create a directory that is named searchDefinitions if the directory does not exist.
- Right-click the searchDefinitions folder and select Import. Expand General and select File system.
Click Next, then click Browse. Go to the
following directory
Option Description TutorialSource\LOBTools\WebContent\WEB-INF\src\lzx\mycompany\recipe\searchDefinitions, where TutorialSource is the location where you extracted the Tutorial sample source code
- Select the FindRecipesSearchDefinition.lzx file.
- Click Finish to import the file.
TutorialSource\LOBTools\WebContent\config\mycompany\recipe\searchDefinitions, where TutorialSource is the location where you extracted the Tutorial sample source code
- Select the FindRecipesSearchDefinition.def file.
- Click Finish to import the file.
- Open one of the following files and examine the contents:
FindRecipesSearchDefinition.lzx (search class file)
FindRecipesSearchDefinition.def (search definition file)
Option Description FindRecipesSearchDefinition.lzx
The following code sample shows two search classes, one for the Recipe object and the other for the Recipe Collection, which is defined within a search class file.
<library> <!-- Search for Recipe --> 1 <class name="recFindRecipesSearchDefinition" extends="wcfSearchDefinition" 2 searchType="FindRecipes" displayName="Recipes" isDefault="true" 3 listClass="recRecipeSearchGrid"> <wcfSearchService name="FindRecipes" url="/cmc/FindRecipes"> <wcfServiceParam name="storeId"/> </wcfSearchService> </class> <!-- Search for Recipe Collection --> <class name="recFindRecipeCollectionsSearchDefinition" extends="wcfSearchDefinition" searchType="FindRecipeCollections" displayName="Recipe Collections" isDefault="false" listClass="recCollectionGrid"> 4 <wcfSearchService name="FindRecipeCollections" url="/cmc/FindRecipeCollections"> <wcfServiceParam name="storeId"/> </wcfSearchService> </class> </library>
- 1 recFindRecipesSearchDefinition
- Used to define the search on recipes.
- 2 searchType
- Must be consistent with the
property of the corresponding primary object definition. - 3 listClass
- Sets the search result list grid.
- 4 wcfSearchService
- Sets the search service to be called to run the query. The query is mapped to the URL "/cmc/FindRecipes" in the lesson: Retrieving Management Center objects by transforming Nouns into XML.
The following code sample shows two search definitions, one for the Recipe object and the other for the Recipe Collection, which is defined within a search definition file.
<Definitions> <!-- Search for Recipe --> 1 <SearchDefinition definitionName="FindRecipes" 2 searchType="FindRecipes" displayName="Recipes" isDefault="true" 3 listDefinitionName="recRecipeSearchGrid"> 4 <SearchService name="FindRecipes" url="/cmc/FindRecipes"> <ServiceParam name="storeId"/> </SearchService> </SearchDefinition> <!-- Search for Recipe Collection --> <SearchDefinition definitionName="FindRecipeCollections" searchType="FindRecipeCollections" displayName="Recipe Collections" isDefault="false" listDefinitionName="recCollectionGrid"> <wcfSearchService name="FindRecipeCollections" url="/cmc/FindRecipeCollections"> <ServiceParam name="storeId"/> </SearchService> </SearchDefinition> </Definitions>
- 1 FindRecipes
- Used to define the search on recipes.
- 2 searchType
- Must be consistent with the
attribute of the corresponding primary object definition. - 3 listDefinitionName
- Sets the search results list grid.
- 4 SearchService
- Sets the search service to be called to run the query. The query is mapped to the URL "/cmc/FindRecipes" in the lesson: Retrieving Management Center objects by transforming Nouns into XML.
After you define the search definition, you need to configure the search type to the primary
Complete one of the following steps:
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > lzx > mycompany > recipe > objectDefinitions.
In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > config > mycompany > recipe > objectDefinitions.
Open the primary object definition file:
Find the Recipe and RecipeCollection object definitions and the searchType attribute for these
object definitions.
The following code samples show the searchType attribute for the Recipe and RecipeCollection object definitions, in boldface.
<class name="recRecipePrimaryObjectDefinition" extends="wcfPrimaryObjectDefinition" objectType="Recipe" creatable="true" displayName="${extRecipeResources.recipe_DisplayName.string}" displayNameProperty="name" idProperty="recipeId" searchType="FindRecipes" newDisplayName="${extRecipeResources.recipe_NewDisplayName.string}" propertiesClass="recRecipeProperties" icon="productIcon" headerIcon="productHeaderIcon" > ... ... ... ... </class> <class name="recRecipeCollectionPrimaryObjectDefinition" extends="wcfPrimaryObjectDefinition" creatable="true" idProperty="collectionId" objectType="RecipeCollection" searchType="FindRecipeCollections" displayName="${extRecipeResources.recipeCollection_DisplayName.string}" displayNameProperty="collectionName" newDisplayName="${extRecipeResources.recipeCollection_NewDisplayName.string}" propertiesClass="recCollectionProperties" > ... ... ... ... </class>
<PrimaryObjectDefinition definitionName="Recipe" objectType="Recipe" creatable="true" displayName="${extRecipeResources.recipe_DisplayName}" displayNameProperty="name" idProperty="recipeId" searchType="FindRecipes" newDisplayName="${extRecipeResources.recipe_NewDisplayName}" propertiesDefinitionName="recRecipeProperties" icon="productIcon" headerIcon="productHeaderIcon"> ... ... ... ... </PrimaryObjectDefinition> <PrimaryObjectDefinition definitionName="RecipeCollection" creatable="true" idProperty="collectionId" objectType="RecipeCollection" searchType="FindRecipeCollections" displayName="${extRecipeResources.recipeCollection_DisplayName}" displayNameProperty="collectionName" newDisplayName="${extRecipeResources.recipeCollection_NewDisplayName}" propertiesDefinitionname="recCollectionProperties"> ... ... ... ... </PrimaryObjectDefinition>
Complete one of the following steps:
Right-click the LOBTools project and select Build OpenLaszlo Project.