Adding the Madisons store error message properties files as a Struts

In this lesson, you learn to add the error message properties files as a Strut.

About this task

For the Validator framework to be able to retrieve error messages from the Madisons store error message properties files, you must configure the latter as a Struts message resource:


  1. Open the struts-config-ext.xml file for editing if it is not already opened.
  2. Switch to the Message Resources page of the editor.
  3. In the Message Resources section, click Add. Type Madisons/storeErrorMessages.
  4. In the Message Resource attributes section, add the following information:
    1. In the Factory field, type
    2. In the Key field, type Madisons_errors.
    3. Select the Null check box.
  5. In the Message Resource Mapping Extensions section:
    1. Click Add.
    2. In the Property field, type additionalProperties.
    3. In the Value field, paste the value of the additionalProperties property from the Store module struts-config.xml file as follows:
      1. Navigate to Stores > WebContent > WEB-INF.
      2. Right-click the struts-config.xml file and select Open With > Struts Configuration File Editor.
      3. Click the Message Resources tab.
      4. In the Message Resources section, select
      5. In the Message Resource Mapping Extensions section, select the entry for the additionalProperties property.
      6. Click the corresponding entry in the Value column, right-click it, and select Copy.
      7. Switch back to the editor of the struts-config-ext.xml file.
      8. Click the highlighted entry in the Value column, right-click it, and select Paste.
    4. In the Class Name field, type as the class.
  6. Switch to the Source view and verify that you see the following element near the bottom of the view:
    <message-resources parameter="Madisons/storeErrorMessages">
            key="Madisons_errors" null="true">
      <set-property property="additionalProperties" 
    value=", ... "/>
  7. Ensure that the MyContactUsDisplay.jsp calls the correct key element that you created in step 4b.
    1. Navigate to Stores > WebContent > Madisons > StoreInfoArea and open MyContactUsDisplay.jsp.
    2. Search for the code:
      <html:errors bundle="
      Ensure that the bundle variable is set to Madisons_errors like the following code:
      <html:errors bundle="Madisons_errors"/>
  8. Save your changes.