When you upload an attachment asset file, the
file is initially copied to the WebSphere Commerce database. When
certain criteria are met, the attachment asset file is copied from
the WebSphere Commerce database to the WebSphere Commerce EAR file.
Until the attachment asset is available in the WebSphere Commerce
EAR file, you can view the attachment file only in a store page using
the preview function in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
the file from the WebSphere Commerce database to the WebSphere Commerce
EAR file is done by the ScheduledContentManagedFileEARUpdate scheduled
job. The ScheduledContentManagedFileEARUpdate job is initially scheduled
to run every half-hour. For information about changing the schedule
of the ScheduledContentManagedFileEARUpdate job, refer to Scheduler.
Before you
copy the files to the WebSphere Commerce EAR file, the ScheduledContentManagedFileEARUpdate
job checks to ensure that the following criteria are met:
- If enough files are uploaded, the managed files are copied to
the WebSphere Commerce EAR file, regardless of the time that passes
since the last update.
- If a fixed amount of time passes and at least one managed file
is uploaded, the managed files are copied to the WebSphere Commerce
EAR file. This copying occurs regardless of the number of files that
are uploaded since the last update.
- If neither criterion is met, no update occurs.
To change the parameters that control when a managed
file is copied from the WebSphere Commerce database to the WebSphere
Commerce EAR file:
- Open the WebSphere
Commerce configuration file in a text editor.
- Find the ScheduledContentManagedFileEARUpdateConfiguration
The ScheduledContentManagedFileEARUpdateConfiguration
tag resembles the following text:
<ManagedFileUpdateEARConfiguration display="false">
<ProductionServerInformation applicationName="wcs_demo" />
<ModuleInformation moduleName="Stores.war" />
minSecFromLastUpload="3600" />
- Update the parameters in the EvaluationCriteria element:
- minNumOfFileForUpdate
- Enter the minimum number of files to be uploaded before the files
are copied to the WebSphere Commerce EAR file.
If this number is
met or exceeded when the ScheduledContentManagedFileEARUpdate job
runs, the managed files are copied to the WebSphere Commerce EAR file.
The default minimum number of files is 10.
- maxNumOfFilesForUpdate
- Enter the maximum number of files that can be included within
a batch that is being uploaded during file deployment.
- minSecFromLastUpload
- Enter the maximum amount of time (in seconds) that can pass since
the last file was uploaded before the files are copied to the WebSphere
Commerce EAR. The default is 3600 seconds (60 minutes).
In a federated
environment, do not set this time lower than the amount of time that
is required to update all copies of the WebSphere Commerce EAR file.
The exact amount of time that is taken to complete the update depends
on the size of the managed files and the size of WebSphere Commerce
EAR file. At a minimum, do not set a time lower than 600 seconds (10
If the specified amount of time passes and at least
one new file is uploaded, the managed files are copied to the WebSphere
Commerce EAR file.
- Save your changes.
- Propagate your changes to the
WebSphere Commerce configuration file.
- Stop and restart WebSphere Commerce.