dailyScheduledJobTimeForTriggers |
This property controls the time of day that
the SendMarketingTriggers job processes Dialog activity triggers that
get handled once a day, for example, the Customer Is In Segment trigger,
the Customer Abandons Cart trigger, and the Customer Celebrates Birthday
trigger. The default time is 2:00 a.m. each day. If this time is not
appropriate, for example, it is not an off-peak time for your site,
then specify a different time of day in a custom version of the wc-admin-component.xml file
for marketing. ![WebSphere Commerce Professional](../com.ibm.commerce.base.doc/images/ngpro.gif) Dialog
activities are available only in the Professional and Enterprise editions
of WebSphere Commerce. This property also controls the
time of day that top-browsed and best-seller lists are generated.
These lists display in Web activities that use either the Display
Top Browsed or Display Best Sellers actions.
sessionLength |
This property controls the default length of
a session for marketing experiments (A/B testing). The default length
is 3600 seconds (60 minutes). You can specify a different session
length in a custom version of the wc-admin-component.xml file
for marketing. In the Marketing tool, business users can override
the default by specifying a different session length when you set
up the experiment. |
ON EXIT section |
In marketing activities, certain triggers and
targets detect the successful exit of a controller command. For instance,
the Customer Registers trigger detects the successful exit of the
UserRegistrationAddCmd command to determine when a customer registered.
If your store uses controller commands that are different from the
default WebSphere Commerce commands, then you must specify those custom
commands in the BEHAVIOR RULE - PROCESS COMMAND ON EXIT section in
a custom version of the wc-admin-component.xml file
for marketing. |
section |
In marketing activities, the function of certain
targets and actions relies on matching page view names. The Current
Page target is a good example. To determine when a customer is viewing
the catalog entries or categories that are specified for the target,
the server uses either the categoryId value on the CategoryDisplay
URL or the productId value on the ProductDisplay URL. The Online Behavior
target, Catalog Browsing Behavior target, and the Display Recently
Viewed action also use similar URL command matching. If your
store uses page view names that are different from the default WebSphere
Commerce names, then you must override the default command names to
match by adding entries in the BEHAVIOR RULE - URL COMMAND section
in a custom version of the wc-admin-component.xml file
for marketing. See the examples in the wc-admin-component.xml file
itself. |