If you use IBM Lotus Domino LDAP Service, follow the steps
on this page.
Before you begin
- Ensure that WebSphere Commerce is installed and configured.
- Ensure that the IBM Lotus Domino LDAP Service is installed according
to the instructions provided by the provider.
- Ensure that the Allow LDAP users write access configuration
option is set to Yes when configuring the
LDAP service.
- Add the following organizations to the IBM Lotus Domino
LDAP Service directory server:
o=root organization
o=default organization/o=root organization
Note: You might
customize these names to match your own settings. For example, you
can use "dc=ibm,dc=com" instead of "o=root organization" and "cn=users,dc=ibm,dc=com"
instead of "o=default organization, o=root organization". Refer to
the documentation for your version of IBM Lotus Domino LDAP Service
for instructions on how to complete these tasks.