Enabling the collection of marketing statistics in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator

To capture marketing statistics, you might need to enable specific components. Statistics are stored in the database so that business users can access the data to evaluate the success of marketing campaigns and experiments.


  1. Open the Configuration Manager.
  2. Expand the node with your machine name, expand the Instance list, and select the instance you want to modify.
  3. Expand the Components section of the tree.
  4. Select and enable the components for the type of statistics that you want to capture during site usage:
    Type of statistics Components to enable
    Campaigns and activities
    Captures view and click statistics for e-Marketing Spots.
    The event that the CampaignLoggingEventListener uses.
    Tracks the relationship between orders and the customer segments to which the customer belongs.
    Product Advisor
    Captures statistics produced by all Product Advisor metaphors in your store.
    Captures statistics produced by all Product Comparison metaphors in your store.
    Captures statistics produced by all Product Explorer metaphors in your store.
    Captures statistics produced by all Sales Assistant metaphors in your store.
    Captures view and click statistics for test elements in marketing experiments.
    The event that the ExperimentLoggingEventListener uses.
    Captures revenue statistics for test elements in marketing experiments by correlating the order to the test element that the customer saw.
    The event that the ExperimentEvaluationEventListener uses.
  5. If you are enabling listeners for Product Advisor or WebSphere Commerce Analyzer:
    1. Select the UserTrafficEventListener component.
    2. Enable the component.
  6. Stop and start your WebSphere Commerce Server.