LDAP configuration file (ldapentry.xml)
The WCServer_enterprise_archive/xml/ldap/ldapentry.xml file is used when WebSphere Commerce is configured to use an LDAP server as the master profile repository for users and organizations. WebSphere Commerce interacts with the LDAP server using WebSphere Application Server's federated repository. The federated repository is implemented using Virtual Member Manager (VMM).
The ldapentry.xml file provides the mapping between WebSphere Commerce attributes and VMM attributes, to sychronize data between WebSphere Commerce database and LDAP. This mapping file provides a default mapping for the most commonly used attributes. The attributes can be customized. See List of attributes that can be synchronized with LDAP for more information.- Microsoft Active Directory: typically uses ldapentry_ad.xml
- Other LDAP servers: typically uses ldapentry.xml
- For information about mapping VMM attributes to LDAP attributes, see Default LDAP configuration mapping based on LDAP server type.
- If the VMM attribute that you specified is not defined in the VMM entity you are using, define it in VMM. For more information, see Using addIdMgrPropertyToEntityTypes command to add a new property to one or more existing entity types.
- Property types supported by virtual member manager, where WebSphere Commerce User corresponds to PersonAccount in VMM, and WebSphere Commerce Organizational Entity corresponds to OrgContainer in VMM.
Sample data in the ldapentry.xml file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE ldapentry SYSTEM "ldapentry.dtd">
<entry entryName="User">
<ldaprdn rdnName="uid" keyAttrName="logonId" keyObjName="UserRegistry"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="logonPassword"/>
ldapAttribute name="password" operation="replace" flow="wcsToLdap"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="lastName"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="firstName"/>
<objectSeparator attrSeparator="/"/>
<ldapAttribute name="cn" operation="replace" flow="wcsToLdap"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="lastName"/>
<ldapAttribute name="sn" operation="replace" flow="bothDirections"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="firstName"/>
<ldapAttribute name="givenName" operation="replace" flow="bothDirections"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="phone1"/>
<ldapAttribute name="homePhone" operation="add" flow="bothDirections"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="email1"/>
<ldapAttribute name="mail" operation="replace" flow="bothDirections"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="zipCode"/>
<ldapAttribute name="postalCode" operation="replace" flow="bothDirections"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="address1" size="50"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="address2" size="50"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="address3" size="50"/>
<objectSeparator attrSeparator="/"/>
<ldapAttribute name="postalAddress" operation="replace" flow="bothDirections"/>
<entry entryName="Organization">
<ldaprdn rdnName="o" keyAttrName="orgEntityName" keyObjName="Organization"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="businessCategory"/>
<ldapAttribute name="businessCategory" operation="replace" flow="bothDirections"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="description"/>
<ldapAttribute name="description" operation="replace" flow="bothDirections"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="address1" size="50"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="address2" size="50"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="address3" size="50"/>
<objectSeparator attrSeparator="/"/>
<ldapAttribute name="postalAddress" operation="replace" flow="bothDirections"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="phone1"/>
<ldapAttribute name="telephoneNumber" operation="add" flow="bothDirections"/>
<entry entryName="OrganizationalUnit">
<ldaprdn rdnName="ou" keyAttrName="orgEntityName" keyObjName="Organization"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="businessCategory"/>
<ldapAttribute name="businessCategory" operation="replace" flow="bothDirections"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="description"/>
<ldapAttribute name="description" operation="replace" flow="bothDirections"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="address1" size="50"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="address2" size="50"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="address3" size="50"/>
<objectSeparator attrSeparator="/"/>
<ldapAttribute name="postalAddress" operation="replace" flow="bothDirections"/>
<objectAttribute attrName="phone1"/>
<ldapAttribute name="telephoneNumber" operation="add" flow="bothDirections"/>
is as follows:- entry
- The entry element identifies which type of member the mappings are for. Valid values are User, Organization, or OrganizationalUnit.
- ldapsetting - ldaprdn - rdnName
- Specifies which LDAP attribute is the RDN attribute
- ldapsetting - ldaprdn - keyAttrName
- Specifies which WebSphere Commerce attribute maps to the RDN attribute.
- ldapsetting - ldaprdn - keyObjName
- Specifies the WebSphere Commerce access bean that contains the keyAttrName attribute.
- ldapsetting - ldapocs - objClass
- This option is no longer used. It has been moved to the wimconfig.xml file.
- ldapsetting - ldapbase - defaultBase
- This option is no longer used. It has been moved to the wimconfig.xml file.
- ldapsetting - ldapbase - searchBase
- This option is no longer used. It has been moved to the wimconfig.xml file.
- map -objectAttribute - attrName
- A WebSphere Commerce attribute name. See List of attributes that can be synchronized with LDAP for more information.
- map -ldapAttribute - name
- Name of the VMM attribute to be mapped to the WebSphere Commerce attribute specified in attrName. The VMM attribute name is commonly the same as the LDAP attribute name. In cases where it is different, the mapping is defined in the attributeConfiguration element of the wimconfig.xml file.
- map -ldapAttribute - flow
- Specifies how the attribute value is read from and written to
LDAP. Valid values are:
- ldapToWcs
- The value flows from LDAP to WebSphere Commerce database only. This is used during authentication and get operations.
- wcsToLdap
- The value flows from WebSphere Commerce database to LDAP only. This setting applies when creating or updating a member in WebSphere Commerce.
- bothDirections
- The value flows both ways, between WebSphere Commerce database and LDAP.
- ldapOnly
- The value exists only on LDAP, not the WebSphere Commerce database.
These attributes will be accessible from the following APIs:
UserSyncBean.getProperty(String propertyName)
OrganizationSyncBean.getProperty(String propertyName)
UserRegistrationDataBean.getAttribute(String attributeName)
OrgEntityDataBean.getAttribute(String attributeName)
- map -ldapAttribute - operation
- Specifies whether how the attribute value should be modified for LDAP. Valid values are replace or add. A value of replace updates the current user information with the new information provided (for example, replace a existing phone number with a new one). A value of add includes another entry for the user (for example, adding a new phone number to the current user information, making a list of phone numbers for the user).
- map - objectSeparator - attrSeparator
- Separator character used when storing or retrieving multiple WebSphere Commerce attributes to or from a single LDAP attribute. Replicating multivalued attributes is not supported.
Synchronization of multi-valued LDAP attributes to the MBRATTRVAL table
The MBRATTRVAL table is used for storing custom member attributes. The table can store multiple values (rows) for a single attribute and user. LDAP can handle multivalued attributes.
<objectAttribute attrName="JobFunction_10001_r_n"/>
<ldapAttribute name="telephoneNumber" operation="replace" flow="bothDirections"/>
Original mapping:
<objectAttribute attrName="phone1"/>
<ldapAttribute name="telephoneNumber" operation="add" flow="bothDirections"/>
The telephoneNumber
VMM attribute maps
to the JobFunction_10001_r_n
WebSphere Commerce attribute.
This WebSphere Commerce attribute, based on the naming convention,
is a custom member attribute, whose values are stored in the MBRATTRVAL
table. Note that the member attribute name ends with _n
indicate that it is multivalued.If there are multiple values in the MBRATTRVAL table, they are synchronized over to multiple values in LDAP. Conversely, if there are multiple values in LDAP, they are synchronized to multiple rows in the MBRATTRVAL table.
Note the two occurrences of JobFunction updates in the
URL string. The first being JobFunction_10101_r_1
manager and the second being JobFunction_10101_r_2