Installing on Microsoft Windows

Follow these steps to install HCL Client Application Access (HCAA) on Microsoft™ Windows™ if the installation isn't done for you.

Before you begin

About this task

  • If you are a SmartCloud® Notes user and have an earlier version of Client Application Access installed, you will need to upgrade to HCAA manually. Beginning with HCAA 3.0.1, Auto Update Service on Cloud is not supported.


To install HCAA, run setup.exe from the installation location your administrator provided.


  • By default, the HCAA program files are installed to C:\Program Files(x86)\HCL\HCAA.
  • By default, the HCAA data directory is created at one of the following locations:
    • Single-user: C:\Program Files(x86)\HCL\HCAA\Data.
    • Multi-user: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\HCL\Notes\Data
    If you have a Notes 10.x or later client installed, HCAA uses the Notes client data directory rather than the HCAA data directory. If you have ICAA 2.0.1 or later installed, HCAA uses its data and program directory.
Note: Spell checking and attachment viewing are not supported on Windows. The spell check engine and the attachment viewer are not included with the installation package.

What to do next

To use Notes applications that require a Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM), make sure that a JVM is installed and that HCAA is configured to use it. For more information, see Installing and configuring a JVM.

To start HCAA, double-click its icon on the Desktop. If this is the first time using it, complete the configuration wizard.
HCL Client Application Access