Use this procedure to configure HCL Client Application Access (HCAA) on Mac OS for SmartCloud Notes® if you are a
service-only user. Service-only users do not use any on-premises Domino® servers at their company
Before you begin
You must know the name and password to use to log in to the IBM Connections™ Cloud service so that you can download the configuration tool. If you are logging in for the first time, your administrator gives you the name and password. Often, the name is an email address, such as
About this task
If you already use HCL Notes in the cloud or an earlier version of HCAA in the cloud, HCAA is ready to use and
you can skip these steps.
Start HCAA:
Double-click the HCL Client Application Access item in the
Applications list.
Provide the following information and then click
- Enter your user name.
- Select I am an IBM SmartCloud user.
Note: DO NOT select I have an HCL Notes ID
At the Please download config.nsf from IBM SmartCloud...
message, click OK to start HCAA.

Log in to the Connections Cloud service. If you're logging in to SmartCloud Notes for the first time:
Create a new password (if you are prompted to do so).
In the Account Updates window, select the following information and then
click Submit: Country or Region,
Language, and Time zone.
In the dashboard, click the arrow next to your picture (or name) and select
Downloads and Setup. If you are logging in to SmartCloud Notes for the first
time, you see this option in the Welcome to IBM SmartCloud Notes page.
Select View HCL Notes options.
In the Welcome to IBM SmartCloud Notes page, select
With HCL Notes client:
On the Start Using IBM SmartCloud Notes page, click
Download to get the Notes client configuration tool.
In the Software License Agreement, select a language. Then, accept the license terms and
conditions, and click Continue. A download status is displayed.
If your download does not start, check that your browser is not blocking it.
When download is complete, switch to the location where
is saved
and double-click config.nsf
If prompted to log in, make sure that you are using the
Online location. You're only prompted to log in if you
closed HCAA.
When the Join SmartCloud Notes window displays, read the
information provided about your account. Close any open tabs and save your work,
then click I have closed all other Notes windows and
tabs. Click Join.
The "Join IBM SmartCloud Notes" dialog appears. Click OK.
HCAA closes.
Restart HCAA and log in with the new SmartCloud location.