Refreshing the ISO images

Using the VMware ISO Image Refresh Task, you can refresh the list of ISO images in the VMware datastore and update the list in the IBM® BigFix console. You can work with your ISO images in IBM BigFix console faster than having to wait for an automatic refresh which occurs every 24 hours.

Before you begin

You must ensure that the analysis Host Overview is active. If this analysis is not activated, a warning message is displayed in the VMware ISO Image Refresh Task. You cannot proceed without activating the analysis Host Overview. After you activate the analysis, it can take a few minutes to gather. To check the status of the analysis, from the navigation tree in the Domain Panel, click Virtualization > Setup and Maintenance > Activate Analyses. In the Activate Analysis list, ensure that the Status changes from Not Activated to Activated Globally. From the Activate Analysis list, select the Host Overview analysis. In the Analysis: VMware Host Overview window, click the Results tab. When the Results window is populated with one or more computer names, the analysis is activated. If any of the computer names displays the message "not reported", the analysis is not gathered.

This Task refreshes the ISO images list from a single datastore. You must run this Task on every datastore that has ISO images that you want to view.

For non-English users: VMware vCenter supports only Simplified Chinese, Japanese, German and French. You can use this Task only if the console language that you selected in IBM® BigFix console is identical to the console language selected in VMware.

About this task

Complete the following steps to refresh ISO images in a datastore.


  1. Open the Server Automation domain.
  2. From the navigation tree in the Server Automation domain, click Virtualization > Host Management > Host Configuration.
  3. From the Host Configuration list, select the VMware ISO Image Refresh Task.
  4. In the Task: VMware ISO Images Refresh window, select the Host and Datastore name that contains the list of ISO files that you want to refresh is stored and click Take Action.
  5. In the Take Action dialog box, target the host on which your ISO images are stored and click OK.


When the list of ISO images is refreshed and the updated list of ISO images is available in the IBM BigFix console, the Status changes to Complete in the Action: VMware ISO Images Refresh window.