Creating a VMware virtual machine from ISO

Using the VMware Create Virtual Machine from ISO Task, you can create VMware virtual machines from within the IBM® BigFix console.

Before you begin

Before you can create a virtual machine, you must install and configure the management extender. You must ensure that the analysis Host Overview is active. If this analysis is not active, a warning message is displayed in the VMware Create Virtual Machine from ISO Task. You cannot proceed to create the virtual machine without activating the analysis Host Overview. After you activate the analysis, it can take a few minutes to gather. To check the status of the analysis, from the navigation tree in the Server Automation domain, click Virtualization > Setup and Maintenance > Activate Analyses. In the Activate Analysis list, click the Host Overview analysis, in the Analysis: Host Overview window, click the Results tab. When the Results window is populated with one or more computer names, the analysis is activated. If any of the computer names displays the message "not reported", the analysis is not gathered

About this task

This Task is automatically populated with data from VMware. To work with other data, you must turn off validation and enter your own values into the parameter field. To override the data that is provided in the form, check whether a button exists in the Validation column to the left of the parameter that you want to disable and select OFF. For more information, see Turning off validation in a task.

Complete the following steps to create a virtual machine from ISO.


  1. Open the Server Automation domain.
  2. From the navigation tree in the Server Automation domain, click Virtualization > Host Management > Host Configuration to open the list of Host Configuration Tasks.
  3. From the Host Configuration list, select VMware Create Virtual Machine from ISO. In the Task: VMware Create Virtual Machine from ISO window, you must complete the form to take action.
    Table 1. Parameter list for creating a virtual machine

    You must complete the following list of parameters to create a virtual machine.

    Requirement Description
    Virtual Machine Name Enter the name of the new virtual machine to be created. Ensure that you give your virtual machine a unique name to avoid any future confusion with duplicate names.
    Host Select the host on which you want the virtual machine to run.
    Datacenter Name Select the datacenter on which you want your virtual machine to be stored.
    Guest OS Name Select the operating system that you want to run on your virtual machine.
    Datastore Name Select the datastore in which you want the virtual machine configuration to be stored.
    SCSI Controller Type Select the disk controller type that you want to allocate to your disk.
    Provisioned Disk size Enter the disk size that you want to allocate to your virtual machine. The disk size cannot exceed the free space available on the datastore. The disk size cannot be greater than the file size that is configured for the datastore. If you want to enter a value that is greater than the disk size that is available, select OFF on the validation button for Provisioned Disk Size in the Validation column. For example, if you know that virtual machines on the datastore are scheduled to be deleted and free disk capacity will become available, you can enter a greater disk size than the capacity that is available. You can then schedule the task to run at a time when the greater disk size is available. You must ensure that this data is correct.
    Memory size Select the memory size that you want to allocate to your virtual machine.
    Number of Virtual Processors Select the number of processors that you want to allocate to your virtual machine. You must enter a number of processors greater than zero.
    Associated Network Select the network that you want assigned to your virtual machine.
    Connect NIC at power on Select whether you want your network interface card that is powered on or off when the virtual machine is created.
    ISO Image Name Select the name of the ISO image that you want to use to create your virtual machine. If you want to work with an ISO image that is not in the ISO Image Name list, select OFF on the validation button for ISO Image Name in the Validation column. You must ensure that this data is correct.
  4. When you complete the form, click Take Action.
  5. In the Take Action dialog box, ensure Specific computers selected in the list below is selected and from the list of Computer Names, select the host computer on which you want to run the virtual machine. Click OK.


When your virtual machine is created, the status changes to Completed in the Action: VMware Create Virtual Machine from ISO window. The new virtual machine is also displayed in the Device List of the Virtualization Device Inventory.