Extract the installation files by using the additional setup utility

About this task

To run the additional setup utility, complete the following steps:


  1. Run the trc_additional_setup file relevant to your operating system.
    For more information about which file to use, see Utility for extracting the component installation files
  2. Select the language and click OK.
  3. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
  4. Clear the options that you do not want to extract the files for. Only the options you require must remain selected.
    1. Server Installation media: to extract the files for installing the server.
    2. Target Installation media: to extract the files for installing the target.
    3. Controller Installation media: to extract the files for installing the controller.
    4. Command Line Interface Installation media: to extract the files for running the command line interface.
    5. Gateway Installation media: to extract the files for installing gateway support.
    6. Internet Connection Broker Installation media: to extract the files for installing broker support.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Accept or change the installation folder. Click Next.
  7. On the summary screen, click Install.
  8. When complete, click Done.
  9. Go to the chosen installation folder.


The installation files are in the following directories:
  • RCServer - server installation file, trc.war.
  • RCTarget - target installation files.
  • RCController - controller installation files.
  • RCCLI - command line tools installation files.
  • RCGateway - gateway installation files.
  • RCBroker - broker installation files.