Administering the BigFix Explorer

This section describes the configuration scenarios for the BigFix Explorer component.

HTTPS certificate configuration

At installation time, the BigFix Explorer is configured to use HTTPS by default, and it creates its own certificate. If you want to customize HTTPS on the BigFix Explorer, for more details see Customizing HTTPS on BigFix Explorer.

Revoking the authentication certificate

After the installation of the BigFix Explorer instance, you can revoke the certificate of a BigFix Explorer instance needed for authenticating to the BigFix Root Server, if you have any reason to doubt its validity.

When you revoke the certificate, BigFix Explorer is no longer authenticated for trusted communication, and the certificate of the BigFix Explorer can no longer be used to communicate with the BigFix Root Server.

To revoke a BigFix Explorer certificate, you can use the revokeexplorercredentials BigFix Administration Tool command. For Windows installation see revokeexplorercredentials, for Linux installation see revokeexplorercredentials.

To rotate a BigFix Explorer certificate, you can use the rotateexplorercredentials BigFix Administration Tool command. For Windows installation see rotateexplorercredentials, for Linux installation seerotateexplorercredentials.

Rotating the authentication certificates chain

After the installation of one or more BigFix Explorer instances, you can revoke their certificates needed for authenticating to the BigFix Root Server and rotate the certificate authority used by the BigFix Root Server to generate each authentication certificate, if you have any reason to doubt their validity.

To rotate the certificate authority of the authentication certificate of the BigFix Explorer and to rotate each of the existing certificates, you can use the rotateexplorercredentials BigFix Administration Tool command. For Windows installation see rotateexplorercredentials, for Linux installation see rotateexplorercredentials.

Setting a different port number

It is possible to set a different port for the BigFix Explorer using the _BESExplorer_HTTPServer_PortNumber setting.

The default port number used by BigFix Explorer is 9383.

From the Edit Computer Settings menu of the BigFix Console, you can set the value for this setting.

Table 1. Setting values
Default Value 9383
Setting Type Numeric
Component Affected Explorer

As an alternative, to modify the port for the BigFix Explorer, you can also run the Change Explorer REST API port Fixlet.

In the Description pane of the Fixlet, you can define the new port value to be used by the BigFix Explorer. The accepted values range from 1 to 65534.

The actionscript present in the Fixlet checks at runtime, through the BigFix Agent, that the defined port is not already in use on the machine. If this is the case, the Fixlet fails.

Running this Fixlet performs the following activities:
  • Changes the _BESExplorer_HTTPServer_PortNumber setting.
  • Alters the firewall rule (both on Linux and Windows) replacing the port number with the new one.
  • Restarts the BigFix Explorer service.

Specifying the BigFix Explorer hostname

It is possible to specify the BigFix Explorer hostname, IP Address or FQDN using the _BESExplorer_HTTPServer_HostName setting.

Once the client settings _BESExplorer_HTTPServer_HostName and _BESExplorer_HTTPServer_PortNumber are configured, their values will be used by the root server to contact the same instance of the Explorer for various interactions between them. If this setting is not indicated or is an empty string, the computer name of the BigFix Explorer host is used.

Table 2. Setting values
Default Value None
Setting Type String
Component Affected Explorer

Enabling and managing the logging

It is possible to enable the logging for the BigFix Explorer using the _BESExplorer_Logging_EnableLogging setting.

It is also possible to specify the log path to be used by the BigFix Explorer using the _BESExplorer_Logging_LogPath setting.

It is also possible to specify which log levels are enabled for the BigFix Explorer using the _BESExplorer_Logging_EnabledLogs setting.

From the Edit Computer Settings menu of the BigFix Console, you can set the values for these settings.

Table 3. Setting values for _BESExplorer_Logging_EnableLogging
Default Value 1 (Enabled)
Setting Type Boolean
Value range 0 (Disabled) - 1 (Enabled)
Component Affected Explorer
Table 4. Setting values for _BESExplorer_Logging_LogPath
Default Value
  • <BigFix_Explorer_installation_dir/BESExplorer.log> on Windows
  • < /var/log/BESExplorer.log> on Linux
Setting Type String
Component Affected Explorer
Table 5. Setting values for _BESExplorer_Logging_EnabledLogs
Default Value critical
Setting Type String
Value range critical - debug
Component Affected Explorer

Use the Enable Explorer verbose log Fixlet to enable the verbose logging on the BigFix Explorer.

The Enable Explorer verbose log Fixlet sets the _BESExplorer_Logging_EnabledLogs setting to enable all logs.

Use the WARNING: Explorer verbose log is enabled Fixlet to disable the verbose logging on the BigFix Explorer.

The WARNING: Explorer verbose log is enabled Fixlet sets the _BESExplorer_Logging_EnabledLogs setting to "critical".

Setting the authentication session timeout

It is possible to set a dedicated authentication session timeout for the BigFix Explorer. After this timeout expires, if no interaction occurs between the logged on user and BigFix Explorer, the user will have to reauthenticate in HTTPS mode using BigFix Explorer. To customize this timeout, use the _BESDataServer_ExplorerLoginTimeoutMinutes setting on the BigFix Server.

The default value is 5 minutes.

From the Edit Computer Settings menu of the BigFix Console, you can set the value for this setting.

Table 6. Setting values
Default Value 5 Minutes
Value range 0 - 4,294,967,295
Setting Type Numeric (minutes)
Component Affected Server