The Self-Service Application Configuration File

When Self-Service Application is installed it adopts your current BES Client UI settings, preserving the BES Client UI’s current action history visibility. In addition to using the Configure SSA Application page, you can modify the Self Service Application’s behavior by using the settings in its configuration file.

  • Windows - <BigFix installation directory>, usually C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BigFix Self Service Application\resources\ssa.config
  • Mac OS X - /Library/Application Support/BigFix/BigFixSSA/ssa.config

For any changes made to the configuration file to take effect, restart the Self-Service Application.

  • customBrandColor - string (no default value)
    Changes the theme color of the SSA. Choose a dark color as the text color is white, and cannot be changed. Color values can be in one of the following forms:
    • 3- or 6-digit hexadecimal value, for example, #ABC, #ABC123
    • Comma-separated numbers that represent the RGB color value. Example: 0,0,255
  • applicationName - string (no default value)

    This name will replace the default name of the application. By default, it is URI encoded.

  • hideSystemActions - true or false (default: true)

    Determines whether the SSA displays actions taken on a device by a BigFix administrator (along with those taken by the device owner). True displays a toggle to show the actions, false hides the toggle so that it is not possible to see the system actions.

  • defaultSystemActionsOn - true or false (default: false)

    If the previous hideSystemActions is set true, it is possible to set the default status of the toggle. True means that the toggle is on "On" status when the SSA is opened and the system actions are displayed, false means that the toggle is on "Off" status and the system actions are hidden.

    Both of the settings hideSystemActions and defaultSystemActionsOn can be managed by using the Fixlet 311: Self Service Application Setting: Show/Hide Administrator Actions in History View.

  • historyDays - number (default: 30)

    Number of days of action history to display in the SSA. Note: the maximum number is determined by the BES Client setting: _BESClient_ActionManager_HistoryKeepDays, which has a default value of 365 days.

  • debugLevel - number (default: 0)

    Option to display debug level logging in the log file. 0 is to not have debug logs, while 1 is to display it.

  • logCleanRate - number (default: 14)

    Number of days SSA retains logs before deleting them.

  • maxLogSizeMB - number (default: 20)

    The maximum size of a log in MB before SSA backs up the current log file and creates a new log file.

  • numLogsPerDay - number (default: 2)

    Number of log files SSA retains per day.

  • disableMessagesTab - true or false (default: true) Determines whether the SSA displays the Messages Tab. True hides the tab, false displays it.

    As an alternative to the disableMessagesTab setting, use the Fixlet, Self-Service Application Setting: Show/Hide Messages Tab to Show/Hide the Messages tab.

  • listViewEnabled - true or false (default: false) Determines whether the SSA shows the Catalog Tab with the list view. True uses the list view, false uses the tiles view.
    Note: This parameter is no longer available on SSA 3.3.0 and later versions.
  • allowMinimizeAtDeadline - true or false (default: false)

    Determines whether the SSA main window shows when an action reaches its deadline.

  • disableToastNotifications - true or false (default: false)

    Determines whether the SSA displays the toast notification. If toast notifications are disabled then the messages are directly shown in the SSA main window. This configuration parameter is related to required, suggested, and post messages.

  • CollapsingThreshold - number (default: 10)
    It is a non-negative integer to set the number of panels with deadline shown on screen before a summary panel is shown.
    • Panels with deadline: To-do pre-messages (required and suggested) and to-do post-messages.
    • Panels without deadline: Running actions, complete actions, offers, and notification messages.
    The summary panel categorizes the actions as Required, Suggested, and Other. When you click on the summary panel all the included actions are snoozed by 15 minutes and the SSA catalog is opened with the items sorted by deadline. BigFix SSA Version 3.2.3 or later supports this feature.
    • When you upgrade from an older version the threshold value is not defined.
    • When an action has a deadline within 15 minutes, then that action will be snoozed to the deadline.
  • completeNotificationExpirationTime - seconds (default: 604800)
    This duration in seconds represents how long the complete notification stays on the screen. The notification will be automatically dismissed after the specified duration. BigFix SSA Version 3.2.6 or later supports this feature.
    Note: 604800 = 1 week in seconds
  • enableGetAllButton - true or false (default: false)

    Determines if the Get All button is displayed (when set to true) or hidden (when set to false) in the Offerings tab.

SSA Logging and Paths

Logs and config file for the Self-Service Application can be found in the directory specified for your operating system.

SSA config file location -
  • Windows: <BigFix installation directory>\BigFix Self Service Application\resources\ssa.config
  • Mac OS X: /Library/Application Support/BigFix/BigFixSSA/ssa.config
Log location -
  • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\BigFix\BigFixSSA\logs
  • Mac OS X: ~/BigFix/BigFixSSA/logs

For more detailed logging, turn on debug logging by adding the option debugLevel: 1 in the Self-Service Application configuration file.

The following folder and sub folder paths should be excluded from antivirus scans -
  • Windows: %DRIVE%:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BigFix Self Service Application
  • Mac OS X: /Library/Application Support/Bigfix/BigFixSSA
Additionally the following processes should be excluded as well -
  • Windows: %DRIVE%:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BigFix Self Service Application\BigFixSSA.exe
  • Mac OS X: /Applications/