Understanding data changes

Raw Data API

By default, raw data remains in the database for 7 days. To change this period, go to Management > Advanced Server Settings and change the value of the raw_data_api_history_keep_days parameter.

This applies to:
  • /api/sam/raw_package_facts.js
  • /api/sam/raw_unix_package_facts.json
  • /api/sam/raw_file_facts
The APIs enables the below fields to be displayed:
valid_from The date when you imported information about the file for the first time. String
valid_to The date when you attempted to import information about the file for the first time. The value 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z indicates that the file is still being discovered. String

See below an example for filtering criteria for a request:












  • import_time_previous – Previous successful data import time.
  • import_time_last – Last successful data import time during initial load.

This API provides information about the hardware associated to the application.

Hardware API (v2/computers)

The hardware API provides information about the hardware associated to the application.
first_seen Date and time when the computer were entered in the application. The time is shown in GMT. String
is_deleted Information whether the computer was removed. Boolean
deletion_date Date and time when the computer was removed. The time is shown in GMT. String


This API provides detailed hardware information along with information when the information was modified for the last time. The API is used to limit synchronization only to new/updated records.
updated_at Date and time when the current information was imported to BigFix Inventory. String

Software instances (v2/software_instances)

This API shows information related to software associated to the application. The following information are applicable for the software.
is_present Information whether the component is still installed in the environment. Boolean
discovery_start Date and time when the component was reported for the first time. The time is shown in GMT. String
discovery_end Date and time when the component was reported for the last time. The time is shown in GMT. String
is_suppressed Information whether the component is suppressed on the computer on which it is installed. Boolean