Uninstalling the server on Windows in interactive mode
To uninstall the BigFix Inventory server on Windows, run the uninstall.bat file. Then, follow instructions in the installation wizard. The wizard does not uninstall the MS SQL Server nor the BigFix server. These components need to be removed separately.
- Log in to the computer where the BigFix Inventory server is installed as the same user who performed the installation.
- Go to the C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BFI\Uninstall directory and run the uninstall.bat file. Start the uninstallation with the Run as administrator option.
- Follow instructions in the uninstallation wizard. When the uninstallation finishes, click Done.
Starting from BigFix Inventory version 10.0.4, you can also
remove the database job that manages regular database index
rebuilding. The job is named as "
<BFI_database_name> Full
Database Index Reorganization".
For more
information, refer to Delete One or More