Preparing installation files for disconnected scans for IBM i

Available from 9.2.5. After you add the data source, prepare the installation package and distribute it to IBM i endpoints. The package should contain the disconnected scanner and configuration files used to initiate the scans. These files are downloaded from the BigFix console.

About this task

IBM i Disconnected Scanner is provided by IBM and HCL redistributes it with BigFix Inventory. The package includes an embedded Software Catalog. So, the option to update Software Catalog using BigFix Inventory generated catalog for IBM i has been disabled since BFI version 9.2.17.

You must periodically update the IBM i Disconnected Catalog to update any currency change. You can also use newer IBM i Disconnected Scanner package with older BigFix Inventory versions.

Ignore any notification about outdated catalog for IBM i endpoint in BigFix Inventory version below 10.0.2. BFI Server automatically ignores the notification since BFI Server version

9.2.16 Starting from application update 9.2.16, each disconnected scanner package includes the software catalog. You no longer need to separately download the software catalog and place it in the disconnected scanner directory on IBM i computers.


  1. Download the disconnected scanner.
    1. Log in to the BigFix console.
    2. In the navigation bar, click Sites > External Sites > BigFix Inventory > Fixlets and Tasks.
    3. In the upper right pane, select Download the Disconnected Scanner Package for IBMi (version).
    4. To run the task, click Take Action.
      The file is downloaded.
      For versions before 9.2.16 file would be named: LMT-DisconnectedScanner-ibm_i-<version>-<timestamp>.zip
  2. Optional: To customize the disconnected scanner, edit configuration files.

    Configuration files include:

    • - Modify the file and replace the default user profile name QSECOFR with the name of the profile that will be used to run hardware scans. The minimal requirements for the user profile are the class set to *USER and the special authority set to *NONE. You can use the same user profile that is used to install the scanner and run the software scan. Then, set up the special authority to *ALLOBJ.
    • sw_config.xml - The file contains a number of extra settings, such as the processor utilization and directories excluded from scanning. For more information, see: Troubleshooting the discovery on IBM i.
  3. Upload the disconnected scanner package to IBM i computers. Place the files in /cit directory
    1. Extract the LMT-DisconnectedScanner-ibm_i-<version>-<timestamp>.zip file to the /cit directory

What to do next

Install the scanner and gather initial data.