WebUI Applications

The WebUI comprises several application products that provide consolidated security and operations management, simplified and streamlined endpoint management, while increasing accuracy and productivity.

Note: Below is a list of all available applications. Your license will determine whether you see all or only some of these applications.

With CMEP App in WebUI, you can manage endpoint security clients from vendors such as McAfee, Symantec, Microsoft (Defender), Sophos, and Trend Micro. More than just a way to put anti-malware defense under a BigFix umbrella, CMEP App brings scalability, speed, and thoroughness to help keep organizations steps ahead of external threats.

For more information, see CMEP App in WebUI.


Use the Content App to work with Fixlets, tasks, and baselines on the BigFix sites. Search, filter, and deploy content using standard WebUI tools. For more information, see Content App.


With Custom App in WebUI, you can manage custom content, edit tasks, and view related information, including applicable devices and deployments.

For more information, see Custom Content.


BigFix Insights for Vulnerability Remediation uses advanced correlation algorithms to aggregate and process the vulnerability data with information from BigFix to drive analytics reports. The output of the analytics facilitates remediation through the Baseline Creation Wizard by recommending the latest available patches for the discovered vulnerabilities. BigFix Insights for Vulnerability Remediation.

Use the Insights for Vulnerability Remediation (IVR) application to view a list of all the vulnerabilities, remediate vulnerabilities and create customized IVR reports. For more information, seeGet started with IVR

MCM is a modern device management (MDM) solution by BigFix that enables your organization to get the visibility and control of Windows 10 and Windows 11 and macOS devices, (even if they are not running a BigFix agent) alongside traditional BigFix managed endpoints to perform key MDM actions such as remote wipe, screen lock, and changing device settings. With BigFix Mobile license, you can also manage iOS, iPadOS, and Android devices. For more information about MCM, see Modern Client Management and BigFix Mobile Documentation. For Information about how to manage MCM through WebUI, see Modern Client Management and BigFix Mobile

Use this WebUI application to provide an automated, simplified patching process to all distributed endpoints. It manages both operating system and software application patches.

For more information about BigFix Patch, see BigFix Patch Help Center.

For more information on patching through WebUI, see Get Started with Patch and Get Started with Patch Policy.

Patch Policies

Use the Patch Policy application to establish continuous patching across your enterprise. Create patching schedules for different groups of machines and assign different deployment behaviors to each. Set patch timing, frequency and duration, pre-caching and retry behavior. Stagger start times, bypass errors, and notify device owners when a restart is pending.

For more information on patching policies app, see Get Started with Patch Policy.


Profile Manager application in WebUI is deprecated. If the endpoint is enrolled to BigFix MCM, you can manage profiles through the WebUI MCM application. For instructions on managing profiles through MCM, see Manage policies.


Use the BigFix Query feature to retrieve data from endpoints through a dedicated query channel, where the memory available on each Relay minimizes the impact to normal BigFix processing.

For more information, see Get Started with BigFix Query.


Security Configuration Management (SCM) App in WebUI continuously assess and manages the device for security misconfiguration and deviation, which enables operator to deploy remediation action to ensure the device meets compliance standards.

For more information, see https://help.hcl-software.com/bigfix/11.0/compliance/Compliance/SCM_WebUI.html.

Software Distribution
Provides a consolidated, comprehensive solution to quickly deploy software throughout a network from a single, centralized location. It provides cost-effective operational control and visibility of your software delivery and installation process. For more information, see Get Started with Software.

The Insights feature of BigFix 10 provides you with advanced analytics and visualizations that you can use to identify risks in your environment and make appropriate decisions. For more information on this feature, see BigFix 10 Insights Documentation.

For information on setting up Insights through WebUI, see Setting up BigFix Insights.