Installation Folder Structure

After the BigFix installation, you can see the following folder structure.

Server Folder Structure:

/var/opt/BESInstallers/Client (Client installer)
/var/opt/BESInstallers/Console (Console installer)

	besserver.config (Configuration file)
  besserver.config.default (Default configuration file)

/var/opt/BESServer/FillDBData/FillDB.log (FillDB service log)

/var/opt/BESServer/GatherDBData/GatherDB.log (GatherDB service log)

/opt/BESServer/bin (Server binaries)
/opt/BESServer/reference (Rest API xsd templates)

  actionsite.afxm (Masthead file)

  besserver (Server service) 
  besfilldb (FillDB service)
  besgatherdb (GatherDB service)
If you want to move the content of the directories:
For example the /var/opt/BESServer directory, to a new location, you can use the UNIX symbolic link feature to point to the new directory.

Web Reports Folder Structure:

  beswebreports.config (Configuration file) 
  beswebreports.config.default (Default configuration file)

/opt/BESWebReportsServer/bin (WebReports binaries)

	actionsite.afxm (Masthead file)

  beswebreports (WebReports service)
If you want to move the content of the directories:
For example the /var/opt/BESWebReportsServer directory, to a new location, you can use the UNIX symbolic link feature to point to the new directory.

Client Folder Structure:

	 besclient.config (Configuration file)
   besclient.config.default (Default configuration file)

/opt/BESClient/bin (Client binaries)

  actionsite.afxm (Masthead file)

	besclient  (besclient service)
If you want to move the content of the directories:
For example the /var/opt/BESClient directory, to a new location, you can use the UNIX symbolic link feature to point to the new directory.

Install Log Files:

   BESInstall.log       (Installer log file)
   BESAdminDebugOut.txt (Administrator Tool debug information)
   BESRelay.log         (Relay log file)
Be aware that if one of the following folders does not exist, the installation procedure fails:

Common files:


This folder contains files which are relevant to the identification of BigFix components. You must not modify or remove them.