File menu

Used for creating, opening, and saving scans.


Click to:

New scan >

Create a new scan:
  • Web essentials: Opens the Configuration dialog box with the main views needed for configuring a web application scan.
  • API essentials: Opens the Configuration dialog box with the main views needed for configuring a web API scan.
  • Incremental scan (based on the current scan or another base scan that you select).
    This clears the scan results and then:
    • Retest for previously found issues: Tests new parts of the application and also resends tests that revealed a vulnerability in the original scan (to those parts of the application where the vulnerability was found), or
    • Don't retest: Tests only new parts of the application
  • Full configuration: Opens the Configuration dialog box with all views available.
  • New from template: Open a template to configure your new scan.

New Scan from current configuration

Close the current scan, and create a new scan with the same configuration.


Open a saved scan (.scan) or scan template (.scant).
Tip: You can also open these files by dragging and dropping from the folder to AppScan.

Import > Explore Data

Load a manual explore file. Supported formats are EXD, HAR, DAST.CONFIG and CONFIG.
Note: Externally generated HAR (HTTP Archive) files v1 and v2 are supported.

Import > Cross Scan Data

If specific issues have been defined as Noise (False Positives) on a different workstation and exported, you can import this information for use in scans run on your workstation, so that these issues will not be included in the scan results.

Recent scans

Open one of your recently closed scans from a list.

Recent templates

Open one of your recently closed templates from a list.


Close the current scan or configuration, without opening the Scan Configuration wizard.

Save scan

Save the current scan or scan template.

Save scan as...

Save the current scan with a different name or in a different location.

Set password | Change/Remove password

Lets you set, change or remove password for the current scan. The following limitations apply to password protection:
  • Scan template files (.scant) cannot be password protected, only scan files (.scan)
  • Scan Scheduler and Privilege Escalation do not support password protected scans
  • Password protected scans cannot be used in AppScan Enterprise or AppScan on Cloud

Save as template...

Save the current scan configuration as a template file (.scant).

Export > Scan Results as XML

Export the complete scan results as an XML file for use with AppScan Enterprise.

Export > Recorded Manual Explore

Export your manual explore as an EXD file.

Export > Scan Results as DB

Export the complete scan results as a relational database. The database option exports the results into a Firebird database structure. This is open source, and follows ODBC and JDBC standards.

Export > Cross scan data to XML

If you have defined specific issues as Noise (False Positive), you can export this information for use in scans run on other workstations. (You do not need to do this on your own workstation as the information is automatically saved and applied to future scans.)


Exit AppScan.