Tag hierarchy

When creating reports using AppScan® tags you may want to place one tag "within" another. For example, you may want a separate section for each Issue Type, and within each section a list of Issues, and for each issue a list of Variants. To do this you place the start and end tags for the "child" within the start and end tags for the "parent", as shown in the figure following.

Tag hierarchy example

The following repeater (loop) hierarchies are allowed:

  • Issue Type > Issue > Variant
  • Remediation Type > Remediation
  • Vulnerable URL > Issue Type > Issue > Variant
  • Remediation > Issue Type > Issue > Variant

Repeaters should be used either alone, or in one of these hierarchies. Using the repeaters in hierarchies other than these may result in an error when the report is created.

See also:

Repeaters and fields