openfolder (of)


This command can be used to open an existing folder for scanning and set it as the current working directory of the CLI session/environment.

Folder scanning considers all languages supported by AppScan® Source and scans all related files.

Note: The openfolder command is available only through the AppScan® Source Command Line Interface client (CLI). The command is not supported by other AppScan® Source clients, including AppScan® Source for Automation.
Note: The openfolder command is not supported when AppScan® Source is configured with a database (SolidDB or Oracle.


openfolder folder_path
folder: Required. The path of an existing folder to scan.


To open a folder for scanning:
AllApplications>> openfolder /workspace/SimpleIOT
AllApplications>> openfolder C:\workspace\SimpleIOT

AllApplications>> openfolder /workspace/SimpleIOT -sco
AllApplications>> openfolder C:\workspace\SimpleIOT --sourceCodeOnly