AppScan® Source command line interface (CLI) command summary

The following table lists CLI commands, a description of each command, and whether login is required.
Note: Some commands are not supported when AppScan® Enterprise Server is used as the datastore on AppScan® Source version 10.0.2 or later. See individual command details for complete information.
Table 1. CLI commands
Command and abbreviation Description Login required
about (a)

Display the AppScan® Source Command Line Interface version and copyright information.

clearcache (cc)

Remove the vulnerability analysis cache and custom rules signature data. After opening an application using the openapplication (oa) command, you can clear its cache by issuing clearcache.

delete (del)

Deletes a child object from the current object.

deleteassess (da)

This command has been renamed. See removeassess (da).

deleteuser (du)
Delete a user from the AppScan® Source database.
Note: This command is not supported when AppScan® Enterprise Server is used as the datastore on AppScan® Source version 10.02 or later.
delvar (dv)

Delete a single variable.

details (det)

List the assessment details for the current object.


Echoes all input and output to the screen.

getaseinfo (gase)

Print AppScan® Enterprise Server settings.

help (?)

Lists help for all commands or a single command.

import (im)

Use the import command to add projects (such as .ppf) to an existing application.

info (i)

Lists information about the current object's properties and values.

list (ls, dir)

List all objects under the current object in the object tree. The tree displays as a graphical representation of the object ID, name, and type.

listassess (la)

List the object ID and assessment date/time for the current object in the object tree. Use listassess to obtain an ID for use with the details command.

listgroups (lgrp)
Lists all of the groups, their permissions, and a description of each.
Note: This command is not supported when AppScan® Enterprise Server is used as the datastore on AppScan® Source version 10.02 or later.
listusers (lu)

Lists all AppScan® Source users.


Switch message logging on or off.

login (in)

Log in to the AppScan® Enterprise Server (replaces login_local (local)).


Log in to the AppScan® Enterprise Server using a token file (token files are created using the -persist option with the CLI login (in) command or when creating the AppScan® Source for Automation user).

logout (out)

Log out of AppScan® Source and terminate the command line interface AppScan® Source command line interface (CLI) session.

moduser (mu)
Modify user information such as permissions, user ID, and name for an AppScan® Source user.
Note: This command is not supported when AppScan® Enterprise Server is used as the datastore on AppScan® Source version 10.02 or later.
newuser (nu)

Create a new AppScan® Source user (a valid user name, password, and full name are required). AppScan® Source users can exist in the AppScan® Enterprise Server user repository and in the AppScan® Source database - or, if you have cause to have users that cannot access the server, they can be created locally as AppScan® Source users. You can also create a new AppScan® Source user that already exists on the AppScan® Enterprise Server.

openapplication (oa)

This command can be used to open an existing application - or to create a new AppScan® Source application file.

openassessmentfile (oaf)

Opens an AppScan® Source assessment file (file_name.ozasmt).

openfolder (of)

This command can be used to open an existing folder for scanning and set it as the current working directory of the CLI session/environment.

password (passwd)

The password command allows you to change your password or, if you have administrator permissions, to change another user's password.

printuser (pu)
The printuser (pu) command displays information about a single user on the screen.
Note: This command is not supported when AppScan® Enterprise Server is used as the datastore on AppScan® Source version 10.02 or later.
publishassess (pa)

Publish the current assessment or a selected assessment. When this command is used, the assessment is made available to an AppScan® Source client such as AppScan® Source for Analysis - but it is not made available to the AppScan® Enterprise Console (use the publishassessase (pase) command to publish to the AppScan® Enterprise Console).

publishassessase (pase)

Publish the current assessment or a selected assessment to the AppScan® Enterprise Console. When this command is used, the assessment is not available to AppScan® Source clients such as AppScan® Source for Analysis (use the publishassess (pa) command to publish to AppScan® Source clients).


Ends and closes the AppScan® Source command line interface session. Issues a logout if you are logged in.

record (rc)

Turns command recording on or off.

refresh (rf)

Refresh restores the current project or application from disk.

register (reg)

Register projects and applications with the AppScan® Source database.

removeassess (da)

Remove the selected or current assessment from memory.

report (rpt)

Report generates an AppScan® Source report of the specified type, including findings reports and AppScan® Source reports. A valid AppScan® Source for Automation license is required for use of this command.

scan (sc)

Scans an application (or all applications), project, folder, or file. A valid AppScan® Source for Automation license is required for use of this command.

script (scr)

Run a script of commands.

setaseinfo (sase)

Specify Enterprise Console settings.

setcurrentobject (set, cd)

Use setcurrentobject to navigate the object tree.

setvar (sv)

Creates a new variable or modifies an existing variable.

unregister (unreg)

This command is used to unregister a previously registered application or project from the current node.


The following commands have been removed from the CLI or deprecated:

  • add: Deprecated. Do not use.
  • listproducts (lprod): Deprecated. Do not use.
  • liststopobject (lstop): Deprecated. Do not use.
  • login_admin: Removed. Do not use.
  • login_local (local): Deprecated. Use login (in).
  • new: Deprecated. Use openapplication (oa).
  • reset (r): Removed. Do not use.
  • runassess (ra): Deprecated. Use scan (sc).

openfolder (of)


This command can be used to open an existing folder for scanning and set it as the current working directory of the CLI session/environment.

Folder scanning considers all languages supported by AppScan® Source and scans all related files.

Note: The openfolder command is available only through the AppScan® Source Command Line Interface client (CLI). The command is not supported by other AppScan® Source clients, including AppScan® Source for Automation.
Note: The openfolder command is not supported when AppScan® Source is configured with a database (SolidDB or Oracle.


openfolder folder_path
folder: Required. The path of an existing folder to scan.


To open a folder for scanning:
AllApplications>> openfolder /workspace/SimpleIOT
AllApplications>> openfolder C:\workspace\SimpleIOT

AllApplications>> openfolder /workspace/SimpleIOT -sco
AllApplications>> openfolder C:\workspace\SimpleIOT --sourceCodeOnly