Retrieving Statistics

This REST service will retrieve statistics of a scan.

HTTPS method


Service format


Query string parameters



Statistics include the status of the job/scan, run start time, run end time, elapsed time, net scan time, pages found, broken links, pages scanned, page scan rate, scanning phase, security entities found, security entities tested, security entity analysis rate, security issue variants, and requests sent.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<statistics xmlns:xsi="" 
xmlns:xsd="" status="Suspended (Unknown error: SDK Server Down Error)" 
run-start="2018-08-08T12:27:51.203" run-end="2018-08-08T12:27:51.203" elapsed-time="0:00:00" net-scan-time="0:20:28" pages-found="72" broken-links="27" pages-scanned="72" page-scan-rate="3.52" scanning-phase="-" security-entities-found="326" security-entities-tested="326" security-entity-analysis-rate="15.93" security-issue-variants="67" requests-sent="3209" xmlns="" />

Refer to documented schema for more details.