Configuring job options
This REST service will configure content scan job options, such as adding a Starting URL.
HTTPS method
POSTService format
fiid: folder item id
- epcsCOTListOfStartingUrls
- ebCOTHttpAuthentication
- esCOTHttpUser
- esCOTHttpPassword
- elCOTScanLimit
- esCOTAutoFormFillUserNameValue
- esCOTAutoFormFillPasswordValue
- epcsCOTUrlExclusions
- ecsCOTUrlExclusionSpecificExceptions
- ecsCOTUrlExclusionGlobalExceptions
Query string parameters
If the option is a collection, this parameter will delete the existing collection.
The POST data will be used to overwrite the existing option value or collection.
POST data
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Enter the 'value=<option value>' in the body of the request. You can have multiple values if necessary.
Example: value=http://
The value(s) related to the option being set.
<option value=""/>
Refer to documented schema for more details.
Configuration for ecsCOTUrlExclusionSpecificExceptions option
Query string parameters
The delete and put parameters are not applicable for this option.
POST data
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- Enter the 'value=<option value>' in the body of the request. You can have multiple values if
- Enter the 'exclusionid=<exclusion number>' in the body of the request. Exclusion number
starts from zero. If there are 3 exclusions then the numbers assigned to exclusions are 0,1,2.
Specifying multiple exclusion numbers is not supported. ‘exclusionid’ is optional for this option.
If ‘exclusionid’ is not specified, exception value will be added to last exclusion.
Example: exclusionid=3 (adds the exception value to 4th exclusion)