User roles

Users are assigned to asset groups by an administrator. Predefined user roles cannot be deleted.

Note: The Administrator role is assigned to a user when your organization is created at the Cloud Marketplace. The Administrator can perform tasks in any asset group; all other user roles can perform tasks in only the asset groups to which they have been assigned. HCL recommends you specify at least one other user as a backup Administrator.
Table 1. Custom role capabilities
Capability Administrator Manager Application Manager Tester Report Viewer
Create/modify apps, Assign apps to asset groups, Enable/disable policies in applications X X X
Reset/delete apps X X X
Asset Group Access
User has limited access to asset groups (access that is granted from Asset Group management page) X X X X
User has complete access to all asset groups X
Create/modify asset group (name and description only) X X
Delete asset groups that this user can access X X
Grant/remove access to asset groups that this user can access X X
Create/modify scans X X X X
Delete scans X X X X
Run and promote personal scans X X X X
Issue Management
Update issue status X X X X
Policy Management
Create/delete custom policies X X
Associate/disassociate a policy with an application X X X
User Management
Assign user roles X Only in asset groups in which they themselves are a member
Create/modify roles X Only in asset groups in which they themselves are a member
Delete roles X Only in asset groups in which they themselves are a member
Premium Features
Schedule a call with an AppScan expert (Learn more about AppScan for You) X X